Ok here goes, most of you know my history so I won’t bore you with it again. Anyway I recently found out I was her2pos so am now having chemo and herceptin. Here is the question.
I am due to go to Kos on the 29th August, really really looking forward to it. My invasive cancer was very small, 3mm and 2 x 1mm. When I went to see the professor of oncology he said about starting chemo the following week, I explained about my holiday and said could I still go. He said yes, but I must start Tamoxifen straight away. I felt quite happy about this, but since finding out I might now have some vascular invasion (I am seeing a doctor this afternoon to clarify this) I am wondering if I am being stupid putting my chemo off for what will be seven weeks in total. Would he have said to me if he thought I was being silly. THe reason I am asking this is after finding out that my chances with chemo and herceptin were 7per cent higher chance of it not coming back that without it because of the her2pos status. A few friends have said they would not delay in case it comes back in that short space of time, so now I am totally totally confused. I want my holiday, but not at the cost of developing secondaries.
The doctor who said I could go, is a Professor at the Marsden so he does know his stuff.
What do you all think?
That’s a tough one, and not one I’d want to answer for you on a forum because there may be other things to do with your cancer that we don’t know but your onc does. I would be tempted to ask straight up whether delaying chemo by 7 weeks would be likely to increase the chance of it coming back during the 7 weeks, and whether it would be likely to increase the chance longer term as well, and see what he says.
I would be leaning towards the “have a holiday before the crap starts” camp, but it has to be your decision. The reason for thinking that is that if you had to have a couple of re-excisions to ensure they got clear margins you could potentially end up with a 7-week “delay” in the normal course of events.
But as I said, it’s something you need to discuss with your Honk and make sure he understands the reason for your concerns, as you wouldn’t be able to enjoy a holiday if you thought it was going to negatively affect your treatment.
Well, he obviously knows his stuff! So I guess the question is more whether you would psycologically be able to relax and enjoy your holiday. I had the same situation when I was diagnosed and was told I could delay chemo for a week for my holiday (I’m having chemo first) but I was in such a frenzy and had had the words “large, aggressive tumour” and not a great prognosis running round my head so I didn’t want to delay as there is no way I would have been able to relax.
However, you are further down the line and we know the original panic and feeling of being completely overwhelmed subsides. I am looking forward to a hol between chemo and surgery and another between surgery and rads and know I will be able to completely relax and can’t wait!! I’ve had a couple of long weekends away and it’s been so nice to escape constant hospital appointments, poisonings, proddings and pokings. We deserve it, don’t we!
Maybe chat to the doc this afternoon too - but it’s ultimately a decision you’ll have to make for yourself.
Am sure others will be along soon!!
That was my way of thinking Choccie. If my margins had not been clear this time, I would have had to go into surgery again, and again a delay of a couple of months would have occurred. I am back there this afternoon, so am going to ask them straight. I am feeling very scared about the whole cancer/secondaries thing at the moment, so am having trouble thinking rationally about anything.
Thanks Sandytoes, I will ask today and see what they think.
you are lucky that you have an appointment with the guy who knows before you have to make your decision. I would have said that if there was any doubt he would have said ‘its your decision but…’
Our mind is one of the biggest tools we have to help recovery. And I know we are not supposed to mention the P word. So I will say anything that can lift your spirits and make you feel mentally stronger must be a good thing. I would have thought that getting away to a different enviroment, away from hospital appointments, away from the four wall you have looked at whilst you went through so much recently will be a huge tonic, and a great treat.
you deserve a treat dont you?
Hi OandL, well I went today and was told that my cancer is not vascular invasive as far as they know. They said they could never be 100 per cent sure but on looking at my tissue samples it was highly unlikely and that having my holiday will not make a difference, so in three weeks time on Monday 29th August, I will be jetting off to Kos for two weeks with my hubby and parents.
Thanks for your support and I hope your face is on the mend, it looked so painful.
YAY! Something to look forward to!! x
Great news that you can go.
Have an absolutely fab time on your holiday. Sooooooo Jealous!!!
love Jill x x x
Any spare room in your suitcase!! Please please can I join you.
jealous as hell
SGL, that’s brilliant, so try to enjoy your holiday, as it’ll give you something to remember when things get tough.
Have a brilliant time, and bring back a stick of rock for your Honk!
Thanks ladies, I am feeling more dare I say it positive and yes I am really looking forward to my holiday. I met some lovely ladies tonight from the site so feeling much more like my old self. thank you again all of you for your support. xxx