What happens now that my iniital treatment is over?
Since dx in Jan I’ve had 6xFEC, mastectomy and aux clearance, am finishing rads this week. My BC was oestrogen positive and HER2+. The tumour had responded well to chemo and had shrunk from 2.5 cms to 1cm. I’m on Tamoxifen. The onc said that he was thinking about the value of Herceptin in my case and sent me for a cardiac scan from which i haven’t yet had the result. He seemed to be saying that his decision would in part rest on the outcome of the scan - I don’t understand that as I thought Herceptin helped in all HER2+ cases, but was expecting to discuss it with him.
The surgeon saw me 2 weeks post op and said that he would see me in 6 months time. I saw the onc at that time and it seemed to me that that was not the last meeting with him, but I haven’t had a further appointment. No-one has said to me that that’s it for now. The radiologist says I should make an appointment for routine breast clinic check up in 6 weeks. Haven’t heard from the BC nurse at all - except when I was going to get fluid drained - at my request.
I was kind of expecting an appointment to take stock of where we are now - treatment plan complete, discussion about Herceptin, advice about checking for lumps, etc. I’ve not had an opportunity to ask about my prognosis, oh and I would like to find out about getting a prosthesis at some point! Should I be expecting something, or do you think that’s it?
Hi rareybird
I don’t think I can help you very much. My treatment was nothing like yours. I had DCIS so had a mastectomy only. I had a followup appointment with onc and was specifically told that I would be discharged. That was two weeks after op. The following week I had an appointment with surgeon who said he would see me again in six months. The confusing bit for me is your mention of a prosthesis. It may be different with your different treatment but I would have thought you should have been told about this. I was told before op that I would be sent an appointment for prosthesis clinic about six weeks after op. As it happens I have an appointment for tomorrow morning. As op was on 3rd September that’s just over 4 weeks. Not sure how long it is since your op but maybe you should be getting in touch with BC nurse. Hope you get some satisfaction soon.
God bless.
Thanks, Christay, v helpful. Op was over 8 weeks ago, so it does sound like I should have heard something by now re prosthesis. Will give BC nurse a call in the morning! Good luck with your fitting tomorrow.
Hi Rareybird I got my prostesis 3 weeks after my mastectomy. I came home from hospital with a sofftee then I has to go back to be fitted with the prostesis 3 weeks after. It was my BC nurse who done the fitting for me. I would have thought you should have had one by now. I would give your BC nurse a phone just in case they have forgotten about you. I do know that these nurses are very busy because they do the clinics with the doctors and when new patients are diagnosed they are there for them.So I would remind them. I had a letter from mine to-day to go to the hospital the first week in November its a day thing where our doctors are there and nurses and all the people who dealt with us during treatment. Its to ask any question that we want to and they also want to see how we are copeing after treatment. I will go as I didnt ask very much during my treatment I was a bit to scared of the answers but now I feel so much better I will find out a bit more about my BC Anyway I will speak to you again tomorrow night on live chat You Take Care Love Linda xxxx
Hi linda
Thanks for that - I like the idea of the Q&A day - will ask if there’s anything like that here. Will speak tomorrow.