After Chemotherapy

Hello All, 

I finished my 8 cycle chemotherapy with EC and placlitaxel drugs. 

Its about a month now, I am experiencing aches and pains particularly both arms, hands and even fingers. I am have pain on the shoulder and area around where I had  surgery for axillary node clearance… Is this common? should i worry? any inputs or suggestions much appreaciated. 

I will be meeting my onco on Monday to know about my radiotherapy plan. 

Take care all 

Hi Shyamala

Well done for completing chemo. It’s not always easy is it? My experience was that I continued to experience pain, aching, even numbness of the outer arm from damaged nerves well after surgery. I was referred to the Oncology Rehabilitation physio and was given a load of exercises that I still do. My breast muscle tends to flare up but gentle massage loosens the muscle and I get back proper movement.

Odd sensations in your hands and fingers may be down to the paclitaxel. It would be worth asking about peripheral neuropathy. Usually the weird sensations ease off with time but, if it is that, it needs to be monitored.

Good luck on Monday

Jan x


Could you tell me more about your experience over the whole cylce?
I am awaiting my start date, but about to start the same treatment plan- 8 cycles of EC and Paclitaxel.
Pretty scared about it for want of a better word. But think i would feel vetter knowing what to expect.


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