Hi everyone
Just wondered if members can tell me how long all their nasty side effects of Taxol went on for. I started chemo in January to shrink breast and axillary tumours prior to surgery. I had FEC x 3 and Taxol x 12. I started developing aches and bone pains after a couple of sessions of Taxol. By the 10th session all my joints, lower back and muscles were aching so much that it became really painful to get out of bed or stand up from sitting. The soles of my feet also started to really hurt when I walked and my ankles were painful.
I am now 6 weeks post chemo and I feel physically bit better. Less tired, but my joints are still so painful. They get better once I am moving but I am unable to walk far, although I do try to take a short walk every day and keep busy with housework. I put on 2 stone with the chemo which, I am desperate to lose, since most of it is around my abdomen and I look like the Mitchelin Man. But if I cant excercise properly or feel well enough to go to the gym then this is not going to happen. I eat sensibly but it is not budging.
I did not lose all my hair with the chemo as I wore the cold cap and bald patches are now sprouting nicely. My eyebrows are starting to grow back but my eyelashes have just all fallen out and I look like a demented frog!
Can anyone give me any information on when their similar side effects got better, if at all. Don’t get me wrong - I am highly grateful to the Taxol as it really has done it’s job but it would be really helpful to hear your experiences and give me something to look forward to following my wide excision of breast and axillary clearance next wednesday.
Many thanks
Hi Horeseygirl,
I’m sorry you haven’t had any replies to your post yet.
You might find it helpful to talk things over with one of our helpline staff. They’ll be able to offer you practical information and emotional support. They are open from 10-2 today and 9-5 on weekdays. The number is 0808 800 6000
Very best wishes
BCC Moderator
Hi Horseygirl, I guess you like horses!! Well done you for getting through such a long regime of Chemo and out the other side! I had Fec x 3 and Tax x 3, so i had nothing quite like you did! I never realised that there sould be so many cycles of Chemo in one go! I was warned by a friend about the Tax part of the Chemo so i knew what it would be like after 3 Fecs which were okay. The most painful part was the joint aches that kicked in within days, did you have to inject the GSF? Even though my Chemo was last year (Feb-June) I suffer with late onset side effects that the Onco is aware about. My hands and feet have Peripheral Neuropathy in them, lots of numbness,tingling/pain. My hands are not too bad now at all, but my feet/hands have nerve damage in them. I have been advised to invest in a pair of Sketchers to wear and i wear 2 pair of socks when the weather cools down! My weight annoys me a lot and I am hoping to speak to my GP about a local referral scheme for those who have certain medical conditions and can have free classes, also some places offer discounted rates like gyms, pools and exercise classes. I did lose almost 2 stone during Chemo only because i was admitted twice with infections! Now i have left work to concentrate on getting fit and put all the weight back on!! I feel like a Roly ~Poly sometimes! My hair grew back into a short style and seems to have slowed down now! My eyebrows and lashes returned but are quite sparse in places! There are a whole bunch of other minor side effects which have not bothered me but there’s still time!!
I have been taking supplements again thought which i am sure have helped with the joints and tiredness. My Cardiologist (thats another story relating to side effects from Anastrozole!!) advised taking them again so i take Cod Liver+Omega 3, Glucosamine+Sulphate, Vit B Complex, MultiVit+Iron!! Let’s hope they are doing some good!! Stay positive and healthy and all the very best of luck with your op - which by looking at the date of your post you will have already had by now! I hope all went well for you and you are recovering well and resting up. Take Care,
Cheers, Michele x