In shock as you can imagine…led a full an active life this far…Large tumor in left breast waiting for CT scan…put on Letrozole immediately…breast surgery suggested after result of Scan…I am considering what are my options …considering quality of life etc…anyone else been through this at this late stage in life…my lovely husband is devastated…
Jilly Please ring the number on here and use the someone like me option, they will be able to put you in touch with someone I told my husband I’m still me and don’t look at me or treat me any different and after that talk he treated me like me and supported and helped me through the journey, you are in it together and you’ll get through it together I didn’t want to not reply when I say your post, you sound like a very strong lady who will whack it with your handbag and your husband can give it a whack for you too
step by step and day by day Please do lean on your team too, they will be able to guide and support you both
Shi xx
Hi Jilly,
I am Tara, I am 37 and was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast cancer in March. I have had surgery, finished my last chemo yesterday and will have radiotherapy soon.
I know you have asked for advice from people of a similar age, but I did not want to pass by without responding. I met a lovely lady in her 70’s on my op day and we have remained friends since. She is doing so well, had a different treatment plan to me, no chemo, had op and radiotherapy instead.
Like Shi has said you will have a treatment plan tailored to you and you seem as though you are ready to kick this into next week!
When diagnosed I saw my hubby cry perhaps for the first time ever. He never gets emotional in front of me. This knocked me for six and I kept asking him if he thought I would not get through this? He never responded yes to me but I could tell that was what he was thinking. To my relief he changed back to his normal self after a couple of weeks and now we get through it with him teasing me about my appearance and he will ignore silly negative comments I sometimes mention. This does annoy me at the time, but it is what I need. It gives me the strength to remember I am doing this, like I know you will too.
Shi has recommended using the someone like you option available by contacting the number on the site. This may be a good option for you as you can speak to a person that has been through the same or similar treatment to what you will be having. Alternatively, the users and members on here are so supportive and offer some fab advice. They have supported and helped me throughout my journey and will continue to do so into the future.
I wish you luck. You got this!
Take care, lots of love Tara xx
Hi Jilly43
Sorry you find yourself here, like so many of us. I am slightly younger than you (‘only 64) but I think we all go through the same feelings of shock, worry and anxiety, whatever our personal circumstances. And we all worry about the effect on our loved ones.
I am only 4 weeks on from my screening recall when the radiologist told me that she was certain that the suspicious lesion - and lymph node - would both ‘require treatment’ and 2 weeks on from the biopsy results but those initial overwhelming feelings of shock and intense worry have eased. I have still not started any treatment due to the need for a CT scan & the consultant being on annual leave for 2 weeks but I do now know I will be having surgery first - just need a date. Whilst I have moments of intense anxiety and horror, they do pass and I can now concentrate on other things going on in my life I hope that once you know just what your plan is the overwhelming and intense anxiety will ease. And I would suggest you speak to your breast care nurse about any concerns you have, whether about your treatment or about you are dealing with the diagnosis. My nurse has been great so far. And remember that there are no stupid questions.
Does your husband have someone he can talk to about his feelings and worries? - a good friend or a family member? Or he may benefit from talking to a professional or others in a similar situation. You will get a lot of support but our families do need support too, from whatever source they are most comfortable with.
Take care and hope all goes well for you
Hi Jilly, I was diagnosed Er+Hr- with a tumour in right breast a month after my 70th. Birthday. That was three years ago and I’ve finished my active treatments. Won’t say they weren’t tough, but doable. Like your OH, my lovely hubby was, and still is, devastated. However., without him I would never have made it through so easily. He is my champion, nurse, chef and chauffeur. My big break through was us both finding the local Maggies Centre where we met other people like me. Tbh, all worse than me! I thought my diagnosis was the end of the world, especially when mets were discovered in both lungs not long after I started rads. At our age we’ve experienced life, and all it’s ups and downs , and this is just another ( big) bump in the road. To get to be as old as us means we’re tough, so, big deep breaths, Jilly, and take each day as it comes. Your successful treatment is your medical teams success too. You are very welcome to PM me fir further questions. Hugs and best wishes. Ann x