Hello to Shelley,
I hope that someone replies to you as regards who you should notify,
God forbid we`re told to tell those bored looking girls at the check-in desks, “Did you insert your prothesis yourself?” “Has anyone given you another prothesis to carry on?” “Have you left your prothesis unattended?”, the mind boggles!
Oh Woody, bless you, I’ve just woken in the night n decided to pop on here while I’m having my drinking chocolate. You have really made me laugh!
I’m dreading goin thru the airport on my own anyway, even without the prosthesis issue - I’m gonna have to have a Paddington-bear type label stuck to me anyway “Please look after this human, n make sure she gets on the right plane”.
Now, I’m going to be arrested for “acting suspiciously at an airport”, as I’m going to be having a quiet giggle to myself thinking about your remarks here!!
On a more serious note, does anyone know when I should declare the prosthesis?
Luv, Shelley xxx
PS If they decide to pat me down, I’m gonna make the buggers guess which side is my prosthesis - lol! xx
Hi again!
Woody, I’ve just seen your post on the other “Airport body scanners” thread. I’m so sorry you had that awful experience at the airport when they handled you like that. I’d have been just as upset as you!
Much love,
Shelley xxx
Oh my what an awful experience. You really get jobsworths dont you.
On my first visit back home sice i finished my chemo I was scared witless.The bean bag prosthesis I wasnt to worried about It was having no hair and with me wearing a beannie hat I just new something was going to happen.
At security in Bangkok was my first encounter I though language barrier be a problem when the girl asked me to take off my hat to go through. I had put a breast cancer pin on to my t shirt and I just showed her that and pointed to my head and she said ok and called a lady over and just asked her to give me a quick scan. I was sweating buckets but they were so nice.
On the way out to visit my son in Gibralter I wore my pin again and the lady at security just asked looked at the pin and the hat and asked if I had to keep it on I answered yes and again she just asked a girl to run the wand over me.
One of the security chaps came up to me and told me No one can force you to take it off or do anything you dont want to do in public. You have the right if they want to scan or check you out to ask for it to be done in private. on the whole I so far - touch wood I havefound them to be ok.
Hello Soi,
Thanks for the info, I`m sure Shelley and myself will find it reassuring to know the facts if we are put in a situation which we find embarassing or upsetting, I will gear myself up to be more assertive on my next flight. Shelley, I wish you well on your forthcoming journey, let us all know your experiences on your return.
Love to all, Mags xx
My slight concern is that I have temporary implants with magnetic ports on them. Does anyone know if they are likely to set off alarms at the airport. I don’t mind explaining but I’m not showing them my boobs!
Jane - you’ll have a Port card to show folk, yeah? I have one that I have to carry.
i went through a body scanner last year… although i dont have a prostethis it did show up my mirena coil i could see it on the screen quite clearly.
I was pulled to heve a full body scan last year when going to Spain through leeds/bradford airport, I have had bi-lateral mastectomies with reconstruction and it was a little bit uncomfortable but I explained to the security and they were very understanding, I felt they were regretful that they had had to do this.
Ruthine x
had various experiences, once went through and they just had a quick feel around and then last year coming back from usa they pulled me aside and asked what I had in my top and could obviously see my prothesis - feels very strange knowing someone is looking at you somewhere, i once took a letter but they werent interested in it
I had been dreading flying since uni-mastectomy but just got through the ordeal a whole lot easier than expected. The lymphoedema sleeve drew comments and questions, followed universally by good wishes after a brief explanation that I had surgery last year; the beany-boob drew no comments or specail treatments at all. I guess they can see it on the scanner and just know what it is, or else it doesn’t show up. However my belt buckle set the machines off every time, I had to take it off and hey I lost some weight, my trousers are falling off :OOPS:
For future trips I will make sure to write down the words for breast cancer, surgery/operation, prosthesis/implant and lymhoedema in every language imaginable, before I leave home!
Great idea to wear the pin!
JaneEB, Show them all, and be proud; you worked hard for those boobs!!
Hi I am going to spain soon , after having my mx and diep flap i would not like to have a body scan i would feel very upset to think someone else would see me
I think the concern may be to do with exposing your body to xrays. I know my oncologist has always shown a great deal of concern with regards to this …his argument is he has to justify every xray he requests yet we are being exposed to much stronger xray machines than before especially at certain airports…for me it is a huge concern as I work for a commercial airline and go through security scanners on a regular basis …the old scanners were metal detectors. So yes this does concern me.
I’m not too bothered about people seeing me, after the amount of doctors, nurses, med students, ODPs, rads techies etc I feel like half the world has seen my boobs anyway lol!
However I am very concerned about the radiation issue scottdolly mentions. I have just googled a few news reports from earlier in the year which claim the dose of radiation is incredibly tiny and much less than you receive from natural background radiation.
But is is STILL an extra dose of radiation, even if it is only small. I don’t suppose they have been round long enough for people to study the difference in the effects they may have on people who have already had lots of medical scans, versus those who haven’t?
Does anyone have the right or option to ask for an alternative? I would be perfectly happy to be searched (obviously providing it is done respectfully and preferably by a woman) rather than receiving radiation.
my friend who does a lot of travelling refuses to use them because she is worried how often she would be exposed to radiation. She gets to the airport early to allow time for the confrontation. Once she was taken off to a room for a strip search, but on the other two occasions they just passed her through
So what should I expect when I go to Portugal in September and Australia in December. I will be wearing a prosthesis and a wig. In september I will still have my portacath implanted. And how on earth will I manage with my luggage (lifting it on when I check in and off the carousel)??? I am single and travelling alone.
Aussie customs - you are in for an “experience”.
My son even had to clean the soles of his shoes…they were concerned that he was bringing in alien soil samples with bacteria and strange life forms into their country.
Aussie customs I’m used to … but obviously before I had cancer… I’ve been six times so used to that … but not used to the wig and prosthesis!