Airport body scanners

Hi all,

The Policy & Campaigns Team at Breast Cancer Care is looking to gauge current opinion of forum members to help with our lobbying efforts on the following question:

Have you ever been asked to go through a full body scanner at a British Airport (especially after a mastectomy or if you wear a prosthesis)? How was your experience? If you are going away this summer, how do you feel about being asked to go through a full-body scan at the airport?

This thread will gather feedback for a limited period of time

hello Mike
I wouldn’t have a problem with body scanners, I would want to be treated like any other traveller, and I reckon security is important enough to justify it.

I don’t have a problem either. Maybe if I knew the person doing the scanning!! But I don’t care what some stranger thinks…

So long as I’m not pulled to one side and asked to take my prosthesis out to slap on the scanner belt like when you have to remove large trainers…

LOL Ninja - what a picture that conjures up - imagine a trip of bc friends, all slapping a variety of prostheses on the scanners… just enjoyed a good laugh - thank you (he he he)
mon x

And what about working out whose is whose at the other end of the scanner! :open_mouth:

I wouldn’t have a problem with a full body scanner either.

I’ve just cracked a smile too - BC trippers turning out their prostheses - maybe I would throw my wig and scarf on the belt for good measure too… and imagine all trying to get back their own bosom buddies afterwards… thanks again Ninja… you beat me to it Ninja…

As someone who used to be a frequent flyer on routes that were deemed a high terrorist risk I often went through full body scanners/extra searches and I concur with what others have said - the scanners are there to protect our safety. The only thing I would object to is someone publicly drawing attention to my prosthesis.

I dont have a problem with the scanners at all, in fact I have been through them numerous times at Amsterdam, Every time I get stopped, but it is a female who takes me to a private area and I remove my prosthesis for her to examine. I would much rather do that a thousand times than let just one terrorist through.


couldnt care less unless i had to strip in front of everyone lol and that would only be because of my fat belly.

do you mean the thing we have been walking through for ages, or a more in depth machine.

My friend, who does not have any cancer worries was asked if she would go through some sort of special scanner. she asked them what research had been done on their safetly and got the reply–oh they must be safe else we would not use them, they have been fully looked into. when she asked to see reports and statistics on their safety they could not produce them and so she refused. I think i would have done the same before being diangosed and certainly would now

I think we’re talking about the ones that make you appear naked…?

I wouldn’t have a problem with having to go through the scanner - but would hate being patted down.

I’m going on a long haul flight later this year, travelling with British Airways. It’s the first time flying on my own, and also my first time flying since the mastectomy.

Can anyone tell me when I need to declare the prosthesis? Do I have to notify them in advance, say by email etc, or will it be ok to do so on the day? If it’s on the day, who would I tell and at what point please?

Luv to everyone,
Shelley xxx

I’m with oldandlumpy here - my concern is the safety of the scanners. I don’t give a hoot about them discovering my mastectomy/prosthesis.

BCC needs to clarify what they mean by these scanners and ask questions of the powers that be.The last thing past and present cancer sufferers need is more doses of radiation.:frowning:

I don’t want to cause a major stir here but surely if we have all had ct scans MRI scans bone scan with all the radiation in them wat can the body scanners do it’s not like we go through them all the time only my opion but was interested in wat the prob was Laura

Can I ask what has happened to the post I wrote on this topic about an hour ago, I dont think it was too contraversial, I just related EXACTLY what happened to me at Manchester airport, I know I successfully submitted it as I saw it in print. Have I trodden on somebodys toes?

Woody 24 I think there are 2 post here with same thread I think yvpost is there

laura - the point is: precisely BECAUSE we have already been exposed to enough radiation to last a lifetime it seems logical that we shouldn’t want to be exposed to any more, however small.

Thanks Laura, you`re quite right, I was getting all paranoid!!
Best wishes, Mags.

Lol that’s ok we r thinking of going away in sept but am concerned about the airport I understood wasn’t a prob but after reading yours not to sure now tc laura