Airport body scanners

I think the most important thing is that staff are trained and aware of BC surgery issues. When I first had Mx I got selected for a personal search and I was still feeling vulnerable. Having to tell a complete stranger to please be careful as I was still sore after an Mx and had a cushion in my bra was too much for me and I burst into tears in front of everyone. If I had felt sure she would know what I was talking about it would have made me more confident, as I did not relish having to explain it. Now I would be much more confident, but I still don’t want to have to explain myself to someone who has no idea what I am talking about.

I’ve been in the full body scanner with a temporary implant (tissue expander) with a metal port. It just made me giggle what they might think the metal in my chest was.
I have gone through the detecters many times with this port and only occasionally beep - so the port doesnt cause the alarm to go off. i’ve never been offered a note to show them.
The biggest problem i had with security was when i was told to remove my hat. I explained that i was having chemotherapy and my hair was nearly all out, and they allowed me to keep it on - i was going to ask to go to a private room to remove it if they insisted - and even then i would have felt violated (i never even showed my bald head to my family) BUT i would have understood that security comes first

oh - and ive never been asked to remove a bandana or headscarf - just the hat
I think that they have to ask for hats to be removed - but medical headcoverings are left alone.

Hi every one after lumpectomy with isotope August had 3 weeks of radiotherapy that finished 28th November 2016, we had booked to go to Mauritius Jan for 2 weeks sun, on leaving Manchester set off the alarm got checked with pat down did not think anything more untill we came to leave our holiday destination, WOW it went off again i cannot believe after 2 months that it is still in the system i have an appointment this week so will check with the oncologist it was very embarrasing had i have known felt a right charlie and on checking on google does happen be warned !!!