I would be interested in knowing if there is anybody on Aromasin or any other AI’s who doesn’t suffer from joint pains and or general aches, In the accompanying leaflet it says more than 1 in 10, but I’ve yet to speak to anyone who doesn’t suffer from joint pain! They should edit their leaflet if everyone or certainly more than 50% suffer. By more than 1 in 10, they probably actually mean 99%!
I can’t straighten up quickly and my legs and fingers throb when I first get up. I have only been taking Aromasin for 6 months, but it has ‘aged’ me decades in this time.
Please respond if you take any AI’s and we can see for ourselves what a more accurate figure is,
I have been taking letrozole for 6 months, at first I had horrendous hot flushes which I am pleased to say have eased of late. The joints in my hands and feet seem to be the worse but I have been taking Glucosamine Sulphate for a few months and I am sure that has helped.
I just have to keep reminding myself why I am taking them, its hard to keep taking something that you know is making you feel old and decrepit.
I am 62, when I get told you are only as old as you feel I could hit them as I feel about 90.
Have you found your hair has thinned at all, mine has although everyone says they can’t tell but I can.
Hi Nicky
I’ve been on Letrozole for just over 6 months and have some joint stiffness but am not sure how much is related to the Letrozole. My fingers are arthritic and ache on and off most days. Hips, knees and shoulders are the same. The biggest problem I have had is with Alendronic acid which made my fingers swell so much that I needed to get my rings cut off!!! Now I’m trying Risedronate which fingers crossed seems to be OK.
I’m 64 so maybe this is just my age!!
Hi, I’ve been taking Arimidex for about 10 weeks. My ankles, knees and hips seize up if I sit, stand or lie down for any length of time. The stiffness wears off very quickly once I’m mobile. My finger joints stiffen too but only after a Zoledronic Acid infusion.
I’m 40.
I’ve been on Arimidex for 6 months now and am still suffering exactly the same symptoms as you are - so it doesn’t seem to be stopping I’m afraid! xx
Hello everyone. I’ve been on Aromasin for two and half years and have quite severe joint pain.
I guess this is better than the alternative.
Good luck everyone
Anthi x
As I said on another thread, I have been on Letrozole for 3 months and had a few twinges to start with and I do now have stiffness after I have been sitting for a while, but not too bad. I do have a stiff painful neck, but I had that beforehand, although it has got worse. All in all, can’t really complain.
OK, I’m a baby here - only been on Arimidex for 10 days! But I’ve already noticed that my fingers are stiffer in the mornings - I’ve suffered from it since the menopause 5 years ago, but they had got better. I’ll let you know after a month or so…
I have been on Tamoxifin, Arimdex and now Aromsian, the first 6 months on all of the tablets have given side effects, some worse then others but I have found they settle after about 4-6 months.
I haven’t joint pains but have stuggled getting up from sitting down but once walking the stiffness goes away. Maybe my knees are a bit achey but nothing too bad.
Skin has aged, hair has thinned, gained weight.
I do suffer severe tiredness but have done since the end of the treatment - start of 2005. Stamina never returned. So don’t know what to hang that one on.
If river’s the baby, I’m the virgin…Due to start arimidex shortly, rads planning next week so the tablets should be around soon…
I am 50…51 on monday…I have no aches or pains anywhere at the moment…
I was told to give the tablets 3 months to settle down…
Really praying I’m one of the lucky ones, with no SE if they really do exist…
Hi: Just read thru this – I started on Arimidex last Feb after chemo and rads. Didn’t have too many problems, few hot flushes at night – I am 62, ten years post menopausal so had all that before – which gradually wore off. I don’t have aching joints but do have trigger finger problems which I don’t think are caused by the pills. My Onc changed me to Aromasin in December as he said it gave better long term protection and gave fewer joint pains. I did drop 6lbs in the first ten days coming off the Arimidex – I had six weeks off to let the drug drain out of my system – and so far have put 2lbs back on. I seem to be breathless at times, but that may be due to the terrible cough I have had for the last few weeks – always get this in Jan but it is much worse this year.
I guess we all take the view that we need the protection and therefore have to put up with some side effects – I will continue with the Aromasin and see how it goes. Want to get back to hitting a golf ball later this year - I was never that good but it will get me out and about on the days I don’t work (two days per week) and maybe even get rid of some flab.
Good luck to all but don’t suffer – talk to your Onc or support people and see what they can do to help.
I have been on Letrozole now for 8 months. At first the joint pains were awful, legs, knees, ankles and hands. With the approval of my onc I started taking Glucosomine and Cod Liver oil. Although I still have a problem when I first get up in the morning it quickly sorts itself out and by coffee time I am as near normal as I can expect to be. The hot flushes seem to come and go. I just think they have gone away and suddenly for a week or so they come back with a vengance.
I have also noticed a thinning of my hair, but my weight has remained reasonably stable, any increase has more to do with chocolate than AI’s.
I’ve been taking Arimidex since August and my joints are a bit stiff when I’ve been sitting for a while, (I’ve got the penguin walk when I get up in the morning and the gorilla walk when I’ve been active and have sat down for a while - lol) but they soon ease up when I move. No pain at all really. But I’ve been taking glucosamine and cod liver oil for years and I swear by them.
I agree with Julia; if you have a problem tell your onc. I had major problems with tamoxifen and they switched me to Zoladex and Arimidex, which are much better for me.
Hi all
Have been on Arimidex since 21st September 2009. Initially suffered a return of my flushes and waking every couple of hours at night and suffered cramp as well and bad pains in my knees. I also had a bad back and wasted money on visiting my chiropractor before realising that it was probably a SE.
I have been taking Glucosamine Chrondroitin MSM tablets since before I started on Arimidex and still suffer with stiffness when sitting for too long. I daren’t stop taking the glucosamine in case it all gets worse.
I also noticed that my underarm and leg hair was not growing as quickly as before and as Carrieann mentioned, I get breathless quite easily. I can only assume that Arimdex are the cause of the breathlessness.
My surgeon says it is good to have SE as it proves that the tablets are working!!
As you say
Has anyone else suffered with bad moods and depression?
I found the inital months such a whirlwind that I did not really get time to analyse it. Now I find I am brooding over everything whilst giving an outward impression of coping ok. I did not have to have chemo or Rads and find it hard accept that tiny tablets can make you feel so rough. Either that or I have not actually dealt with the whole scenario. I hate the not knowing what is to come, it seems there is no rhyme nor reason as to why some people never have a recurrence and others do. What a hateful situation - sorry for the moan just a bit down this evening.
I have been taking a mineral called boron for the last 5 months and it has greatly helped with joint pains. I have found it very useful for hot flushes.
Hi, I think I’ve joined a similar thread to this before. I’ve been on arimidex since March 2008 and apart from occasional cramp in my feet and toes haven’t had joint pains. However I do take a fish oil capsule every day (originally for arthritis in my thumb joints) and 5000iu Vit D3 every day as there’s evidence that this discourages recurrance and also helps with side effects from hormone therapy. If you are suffering a lot from joint pain VitD3 would be worth a try, even if you only take the dose available from a pharmacy (I get the high dose tablets from the internet).
The side effects I do have are thinning hair, which was very fine in the first place - I’ve bitten the bullet now and had it cut shorter than I like - and badly reduced bone density. I should have had a bone density scan before I started the drug, but this wasn’t done until AFTER I fractured my leg - by standing on it!
I have really bad neck pain. I had it a bit before dx but it has got much worse lately. I am on Letrozole. I have bought a book to try and help by doing neck exercises, tried various pillows, etc. Going to see GP next week. Probably wear and tear. I am sure using the computer makes it worse, so have ordered a lumbar roll to make me sit up properly.
Isnt this neck pain a pain in the neck! Im having a lot of trouble with it and have started getting some back,neck shoulder massages to see if theres any relief. Have been worrying about it and hoped it was just a SE - im on Tamoxifen since Dec.Other joints are troublesome too,hands and knees. Might try some of the ideas in ths thread, but made an appt for GP for a wee bit of reassurrance.
Take care
Cathie x