Hey all
After bone density scan showing thinning, I’ve been given the above
And I’m scared
I’ve read that so many people stop it cause of side effects I don’t know whether to start
I’m 18 months post treatment end. N do have bone pain anyway
I’m on arimedex, and citalapram
Recent tests show I’m now post menapausal, age 43
I think you mean Zalendronic acid or Zometa and calcichew , I have been on Zometa , it’s a bone strenghthener, it’s ok, with a few SEs with 1st couple of infusions, Flu like symptoms . The calcichew is simply calcium and vit d , which is always given with Zometa. It’s not a chemo drug and it works very well, don’t be scared about it.
Hi Poppy 333 I was started on alendronic acid and Adcal D3 after my DEXA scan showed osteopaenia. I was starting on Arimidex. I had looked at trying dietary means to address this but it didn’t look like I would be able to do this.
You really need to stay upright after taking the alendronic acid tablet for a good 30 mins and swallow it with plenty of water.
I have Dexa scans at intervals and my bones have not deteriorated any further.
J xxx
Everyone is different but I’ve been on Calcichew for some time with no side-effects whatsoever. A friend takes alendronic acid and was a bit concerned by all the exact instructions about taking the tablets but once she started she was absolutely fine.
Don’t forget you’ll only read on forums about people who do experience unpleasant side-effects. The thousands who don’t probably won’t be posting.
By the way, zoledronic acid (trade name Zometa), mentioned above, is a different drug.
can i ask is the adcal d3 calcium and vitamin d all in one tablet. and is calcichew just calcium. i have adcal 1500mg chewable tablets, then vit D3 which is a seperate tablet. been taking this since being on zoladex injections. also on tamoxifen.
Calcichew contains Vit D. I take extra Vit D too as we synthesise so little of this ourself in the UK (especially with the “summer” we’ve supposedly just had).
Hello, I have had Alendronic acid and Adcal D3 for 5 years. it does work. My bones have improved a lot. Also it helps protect against bone mets. I have no side effects but you do need to take it exactly as told. Hope it goes well xx
I was about to start on Arimidex and was told it may cause bones to weaken so was advised to have aDexa scan which indicated that I had osteopoenia I was advised to take a weekly 70mg Alendronic acid As it happened I reacted very severely to Arimidex initially I had no problems but after 2 weeks they started with a vengeance paranoia lightheaded generally feeling unwell to the point where J thought I would rather die them an take Arimidex for 5 years Fortunately I had a very understanding doctor I was terrified to tell him I had stopped taking it but when I did he just said. Don’t worry you’ve clearly had an adverse reaction and we’ll try something different and so I took Tamixifen for the following five years without any problem. At the same time I continued to take Alendronic acid for the same 5years also without any problems My aDexa scan revealed that after 2 years my bones were normal for my age and after5 years were even better I think what I am trying to say is that although we initially listen to the doctor ultimately it is our decision to take or refuse to take drugs which we know or sense are not improving our well being and we have to have the courage to press our doctors into full explanations aware that these days cost is often a factor in the decision not necessarily after the well being of the patient Best wishes courage and strength to all undergoing this devastating diagnosis