All clear - remission how do you know?

Hi everyone, I had my 12 month post mx mammogram recently and have just received a letter to say that post mammogram there was no evidence of breast cancer.
Is this an all clear - am I in remission? I have heard others talk of this but nobody in the process has said this to me.
My next appointment with oncologist isn’t for another 2 months, don’t really want to bother the bcn with this just wondered if any of you ladies have been told anything by your oncologists regarding an all clear.


Don’t know much about this, Scone, as I’m still in the middle of it all,but have heard other old hands talk about being NED (No Evidence of disease)…

I’m sure there will be others along to give more helpful info but do know that this term is one that is used often as opposed to ‘being in remission’.


I think most people view that as “all clear - for the moment”.

agree with choccie, enjoy the here and now, in time you will breath easy again and a great many live long healthy lives after BC, xxxxxxxxx

I may well be wrong, but I’ve always thought remission and NED are used more for a secondary diagnosis where treatment has resulted in no obvious cancer activity. This discussion has come up before, and I don’t think there is a commonly accepted term for successful treatment of a primary - I know many feel uncomfortable talking of being cured.

Either way - great news Scone that your mammo was clear - and long may it continue.

finty x

I agree with ChoccieMuffin, the words “All Clear” isnt a term used for either Primary or Secondary Breast Cancer, the term most often used these days is NED (No Evidence Of Desease)but some oncologists/medical professionals still use the Term “Remission”.
Mine uses the term NED ,as he cant tell me that i am cured ,(though of course many people will be).
Brilliant news Scone that your Mammo was NED,long may it continue.

My onc writes in his letters to my GP, “there are no current signs of local or systemic recurrence” no terminology refering to “being cured” or in “remission”. This is 10 months after treatment ended.


I had my RT follow up a couple of weeks ago & asked about when first mammo would be. Anyway she also confirmed if no recurrance or anything else untoward the result would be described as NED.

Aparently as surgery performed on Bc boob I would not have a “normal” mammograme result again as such; but would be described as above (NED).

Take care Lynne