All happened so fast

I’m mick all happened so fast went to doctors ab lump in left breast which started getting bigger, next thing I knew was of to hospital for biopsies then scans, week la in ho for removal of lump and lymph nodes under arm couldn’t do neck, back home with drain and nurses every day, about 2 weeks later 14 sessions of radiotherapy which rea took it out of me, but glad it’s over now, cant have chemotherapy as had strokes in past now waiting to see what medication to put me on, all happened so fast now resting at home in warm trying to get my head around it all


Hi Mick, I think that deserves a well earned rest, and definitely take a bit of time to enjoy yourself and celebrate the end of treatment.
Best wishes for the future x

Thank you needit

Hi Mick
Sounds like you have been through it. Really hope you can rest and heal now.
Sending you a hug

Yes been rough but saw a lot at mount vernon cancer hospital that made me realise there are people going through worse, but I’m glad it’s over, just wish this cold weather would do one never been so cold, how you doing.

Welcome to the forum @mickyboy

I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through at the moment, I hope you’re able to rest. It can be really challenging to get your head around it all, as you say. We have some information on our website on this topic that you may find useful: Coping with breast cancer emotionally | Breast Cancer Now

We hope you find the forum a supportive place and please know if you ever want to chat things through, our breast care nurses are here. They can be reached on our free helpline on 0808 800 6000 which is open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm and 9am-1pm Saturday.

Sending our warmest,

Thank you I think it’s starting to hit me now feeling very anxious and tired, takes everything I have just to get going in the morning, then get overcome with all sorts of thoughts but try and stay calm.

Hello Mickyboy,
I too had radiotherapy at Mount Vernon in 2021, all the staff were lovely.
Please just take your time to recover as I found the tiredness kicked in during 2nd week of treatment. Just take it easy and don’t push yourself.
Sending hugs xx

Thanks really feeling after effects now, due to see oncology consultant Tuesday see what medication next, but having hard time dealing with this think it’s only just hitting me as happened so quick.