All I want for Christmas

My children have been nagging me to do my christmas list, whilst writing that one I thought of this one. Anyone else have their private christmas lists sorted?

Dear Father Christmas

I think I have been a good girl this year.

For Christmas I would like

Never to have to hear the words Breast Cancer again in my medical future once this is finished
To have my back wound heal
To be able to have a bath
To be able to go back to work
To get through the rest of chemotherapy with no side effects (well its a christmas list!)
For hair (will settle happily for on top only!)
For my new boob to settle down
For a great new nipple
For a good outcome on matching the boobs up
To be able to thank all the people who’ve helped me
To be able not to be disappointed in all the people who’ve let me down
To return to my life as it was before except in future to be more able to say no, to be able ask for what I want, to stop and smell the roses

Yours truly, Ostrich

Dear Santa

I think that i have been a good girl this year and for Christmas i would like

Not to be diagnosed with BC
For my husband to come home and be a family again.(My friends would kill me if i took him back)
For the world to live in peace and stop all this bombing and fighting - life is far to short anyway
To be happy and if i can’t have my husband please let me meet somebody nice!!

Merry Christmas Santa XX

to lose approximately 2 stone and 12 lb would be very nice!

FB xx

To have a normal christmas day with my lovely family!!

Thanks Santa xx

Ostrich - you will get there!

All I want for Christmas is my husband back to full health.

Thanks Santa!

Dear Santa

I have been good as i have not moaned ‘too’ much about all the treatment i have endured. I have put up with a lot and been hurt by friends and family members turning their back on me at a time i really needed support so to cheer me up for Christmas i would please like …

My own hair back
aches and pains gone
no more treatment

to see my children smile again and not worry about ‘mum’.
that one goes for my OH aswell.

all the pain, hurt and killing in the world stopped.

and last of all, all the ladies and men not just on this site but all going through cancer to find the strength to fight it.

thank you Santa. x

Oh vodka i find that so sad that your fiends and family have turned their back on you at such and important time why was this? X

Hi lol2705

No idea, the ones that have turned their back on me are the ones that i was there to help in their hours of need. which in the past have accululated to many hours.
my dilema now is do i do the same to them when this is all behind me and they need me again? ; ) X

We’re sort of getting off this thread so mabye i will start one about family and friendships.x

Is to have a wonderful day with family and have some snow xx

hi everyone

dear santa

i have tried my best to be a good girl and all i would want for christmas is

to wake up in the morning and feel good

not feel so stressed

get through the day with no pain

enjoy my children playing not fightin about silly things

and get through the day without any mood swings

but most of all say thanks to all the people who helped me through and helped me to get to christmas and hopefully many more


dear santa

i would love to be cured of breast cancer, but if not possible
i would like to accept whatever happens peacefully
to laugh a lot and not take life too seriously
to make time for fun,
to be a good friend to others, and be there for my loved ones

odd decorating jobs done around the house
a nice holiday.
to lose about 3 stone, without giving up the treats (no harm in dreaming!)
and for a wonder cure for any cancers out there

i would be so grateful, id leave you an extra mince pie next year.

Dear santa

i want to be free of anxiety
i want to trust and understand my body again
i want my OH to truly understand what his love and support has meant to me
i want a longer fuse…

But most imprtantly i want my very pregnant sister to give birth to a healthy, happy baby.

Dear Santa

Can I have some eyebrows please?


Dear Santa

could you just take away the last eight months and let life go back to the way it was!!!
I would be sooooo grateful

Dear Santa

(as I only said to OH last night)

All I want for Christmas is to be able to sit down with a nice glass of champagne and not worry about it triggering off my palpitations which have started up post-chemo - Oops maybe I should ask the cardio for that tomorrow?
In that case:

A cold crisp Christmas Day so we can go for a walk without sweating buckets as it’s usually ‘unseasonably mild’
See my ‘little’ (17 & 20) girls faces’ as they undo their Santa stockings
Have a lovely family day with my Mum and dad doing all the work for me this year (bless them)
Enjoy all the food and wine (see above re cardio!)
Health and happiness to all my (true) friends, to the others - ‘whatever’
A grateful, heartfelt thanks to all my fellow sufferers on this forum who have helped me and supported me this year
And finally a New Year that is SO much better than the lost year of 2008 :wink:

Nicky x

Have been (mostly :wink: good girl …

Would like to see all my family smiling and getting on harmoniously (not too much of a long shot) and ignoring the medical situation

Would like my lovely supportive partner to give up smoking

thanks Father Xmas…

Dear Santa

It would be too obvious to want my daughter back for Christmas but please can there be a major breakthrough in breast cancer research to help all the wonderful people on this site who are still with us.

Not too much to ask surely.

Dear Sue, I was thinking of you yesterday and a friend who died very recently who had 3 children. I was surrounded by Christmas shoppers and families at the the time and for a moment I felt so removed from it all. I have bone mets and read your posts about Lisa on the Secondaries board. Words are so inadequate at times but Take Care…Belinda…x

Dear Santa,
please find a cure for cancer, the rest of the stuff I can deal with, change or ignore.

Love Desbxxx