All so Intense and the worry is setting in

I was diagnosed with breast cancer DCIS 3 weeks ago. I have to have the blue dye in my sentinel nodes and will be going for reconstruction at the same time as my mastectomy. I can’t believe how complicated it sounds.

I have two little girls 10 months and just turned two years old. I am so worried that I will be out of action for ages. Whats your experiences.

My mastectomy is on the 11th of May and then I was told I would be in hospital for a week with arecovery of 8 - 12 weeks. I am so nervous. Its really sinking in how scary it is and totally unknown. I won’t know if it has spread till the pathology on the breast is done 3 weeks after.

whats your experiences?


Hi helene

Firstly, welcome to the forums, I am sure you will find it a great source of information and support.

I’m sorry to read of your diagnosis, the first few days and weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with things and getting to grips with your treatment plans, etc.

I’ve given here the link to our Resource Pack for those people newly diagnosed. The pack is filled with information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. … tionId/82/

Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

bump please girls!not what i have been through xxx

Hi Helene,

welcome to the forum,

i had a mx at the beg of november 2010, i have children, although not as young as your 2, i had the blue dye to determine the sentionol node, and didnt go for reconstruction following my mx because i have had to undergo chemo and radiotherapy still to come,

in my experience i would say the first 4 weeks were the hardest, it will be hard for you with a 10 month old but if you have to lift try to use the other side, it isnt ideal and avoid it if poss, but i appreciate how difficult it is,i have twins,

after about the first 4 weeks, it started to get easier i still get
the odd ache and pain in the area where i had the mx and i also take medication for nerve pain,

just take it as easy as you can, go by what your body tells you, and dont try to rush your recovery,take painkillers as prescribed when you need to, and take all the help you can get from relatives and friends.

hope this helps a bit, there are loads of people on here that can give you more info and share experiences,

most of all take a step back, and try to stay calm and although its easy to say try not to worry,

chin up lots of love liz xxx