Allergic reaction to Docetaxol

Well that wasn’t pleasant!
I had my 2nd round of Docetaxol Yesterday and had a severe allergic reaction meaning the infusion had to be discontinued.

It started with pain in my abdomen, rising to chest tightness, then very quickly my throat closing and feeling like i couldn’t breathe. Along with lower back pain.

Have to say the nurses in the unit was excellent and was with me sorting it in seconds. The infusion was stopped and i was given emergency drugs, Im a nurse myself and understand this is not uncommon and can happen with any drug especially given IV and often on the first or second go. it’s very scary when it happens though! But the reassurances from the nurses while they were dealing with the situation did calm me right down. They was telling me i was going to be ok and i would feel better the min i had the emergency drugs which i did.

Has anyone got similar experience of this and what chemo where you swapped too? i’m seeing the oncologist team next week .

lots of love xxx :kissing_heart:

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:heart:yes I had reaction on 2nd docetaxol, your oncologist might offer abraxane as alternative, quite a few over the years have switched to that no problem :heart: I chose to have another fec as that was my 6th chemo. It’s :flushed: when it happens but your team have seen it all before, but you want to run for the hills :running_woman:t3:‍:arrow_right: I know I did. You will get through :heart: be kind to yourself :heart:I’m sure others will pop on too who have had reaction to dietary​:two_women_holding_hands::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Thank you Shi, it does help to hear other peoples experiences. i appreciate that :heart: xxx

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Hey! Sorry to hear about your reaction and I’m glad it was sorted quickly. I had a reaction (throat closing) on my 4th Paclitaxel, I was really worried the drug I would be offered wouldn’t be as effective. I was offered abraxane and my oncologist assured me it was equally as effective (it is just more expensive which is why they don’t offer it first). I’ve also heard some people who have had reactions have their next infusion at a much slower IV flow rate (and/or) with more antihistamines. Im sure they will have worked out your next steps! Sending you a hug :slight_smile:

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@Jess_1 thanks so much. Hope i’m offered Abraxane now! Really don’t fancy trying Docetaxol again, i think i had warning signs my first time, strange rash and stomach cramps.

Looking forward to getting my new plan next week. feel like i haven’t got started on my chemo journey properly yet.


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Hi Jess, I hope you don’t mind me asking but how did you get on? I had my first chemo on Thursday cyclophosphamide and docetaxal. I had a really bad reaction to the docetaxal too, hard to breath bloop pressure upto 202/112 and burning hot all over they were amazing team at the hospital and gave me all the emergency drugs. The oncologist suggested we re challenge an hr later but on a slower infusion and it all happened again urgh! So more extra drugs given. I feel the same as you I just wanted to get the first one ticked off the list. I have an appointment booked for Friday and it seems so far away! Thanks for any advice Helen x

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Hi Helen,
so sorry this happened to you too, seems it’s quite common , but not nice when it’s happens.

I did get switched to Abraxane, i had it on Tuesday. No problems with it going through but i have to say i was a bit nervous after what happened on my 2nd Docetaxol. Iv been fine since apart from bone pain about day 3-4 which is prob down to the filgastrim injections .

After my 1 session of Docetaxol i was dizzy, spaced out, severe gastric issues, but so far iv had none of that on Abraxane.

My original plan was 3 Docetaxol, followed by 3 EC. so far iv had 1 Docetaxol, 1 failed attempt and 1 Abraxane. i’m due to have another Abraxane on 23rd April then meet my oncologist. I presume it’s to discuss whether to stay on Abraxane or switch to EC?

I’m sure you will feel better once you get a new plan in place. i found the delay so frustrating. Let us know how it goes. :kissing_heart:xxx


Hi Jess, Thanks so much for writing back. I’m glad to hear that you’ve had no further reactions. I was supposed to have 6 rounds of the docetaxal and cyclophosphamide so it will be interesting to see what they suggest. The waiting game is the worst isn’t I thought that bit was all done. I only managed about half of my first doectaxal infusion the cyclophosphamide had no problems but I think the high does steroids and the two extra lots of cortisone have seriously screwed my sleep so I can’t really tell how I feel at the moment. I’ve just had to change all my insulins too as couldn’t control sugar urgh so boring and annoying! They said I would probably crash today we will see, I’m so hyperactive probably not :slight_smile: thanks again for your kind message it means a lot. Helen x