allergic to diclofenac - numb leg still

Hi all

I recently had an SNB and WLE and was given paracetamol and diclofenac in hosp and a week’s worth to take away.

Took them separately (need to eat with diclofenac) and noticed I quickly became breatheless, dizzy and confused on the diclofenac. Also had pins and needles in one leg which became a numb overnight so stopped taking them on GP’s advice. Five days later leg is still a bit numb and I have stinging pains in the area from time to time.

Has anyone else had this and any advice? Thanks

C x

Hi Chicci

I did not have the same reaction as you, but I did come out in an awful rash all over my chest (really blotchey and spotty), & also further down on my stomach with red patches. My BCN was vague about it, sent me back home & told me to get to a gp if I developed breathless, etc. This panicked me so much, that I did not want to even take them, so I didn’t. Rash evenutally disappeared, but it was peace of mind for me. I am sorry I can’t offer any advice on the pains & numbness in your legs though. Hope you get it sorted soon. I’ve never suffered an allergic reaction to anything, (although I do have a pollen allergy).

Hi Chicci
The numb leg thing may not be a diclofenac side effect - as you have had surgery (was it one or two ops?) you are at risk of all sorts of problems including DVT so you should get your leg checked out.

They may have manhandled you during surgery and that could be the cause - I had bad shoulder pain for a while.


Hi Whiterabbit and Alice (!)

It was one surgery and I had an anti-clotting jab in hosp as I had to stay in overnight.

Mentioned numbness to the BCN who panicked and told me to go to docs asap but no appts left that day so I explained to the duty doc over the phone - she didn’t think it serious enough to get me in to see the doc. i also mentioned it to the practice nurse 2 days later when she was changing the dressing and she went and asked a doc and came back and said he thought it was an allergic reaction. Will prob mention again next Mon when get dressing changed again and bring up DVT possibility. It’s less numb but with a stinging sensation every so often.

C x

It doesn’t really sound like a DVT - but still think you should get someone to look you over whatever the cause! Are you walking around normally yet? It could also be down to simple things like siting around more than your body is used to - or your sleeping posture is different to usual.

From my running experience I’d suggest that you make sure you are still using your body properly as after injury it is easy to get stuck using an abnormal position when you have beem subconsciously been trying to protect yourself - I didn’t have WLE so not sure how that leaves you after the op - but my hubby told me I was walking like a chicken after my op. (Like a penguin when he was being more charitable!!)


Hello Chicci

I had an allergic reaction to diclofenac several years ago. I had a dreadful itchy lumpy rash and started to get breathless. My GP gave me steroids to treat it. It took me a couple of weeks to get over it and the itching went on for ages.

Good luck

I am not allowed to have diclofenac any more due to a rare reaction and have to have a tag when in for an op. I had numbness like you too. First day woke up and had lost any feeling in my little finger. Very odd just looking at it to check it was still there. Next day it was 3 fingers missing. Next day woke to find whole hand seemed to be missing. Next day nothing below the elbow. In my case it sorted itself out fairly soon after I got up and wasn’t really aware when it came back. Told the GP, who looked it up and said it was a one in a million reaction (might have been one in 100,000?)and I must never have it again as the no feeling could get to my heart or an important organ. I had thought I was just sleeping awkwardly. Not sure if this helps but it is a known reaction from what I have been told. Be careful as it is also in some of the newer skin rubs for pain, possibly voltarol?
Good luck
Lily x

Hi Lily

That sounds very much like what happened to me - pins and needles in my leg (I thought) and the next day it was numb.

Eventually saw a doc face to face about it yesterday - they have a strange appts system and it’s very hard to get an appt with a doc at my local surgery. She said it’ll get better on its own (!) and gave me a codeine based replacement for diclofenac.

Thanks Lily - good to know I’m not the only one with this reaction.

C x

And also thanks to Anthi

C x

Hi Chicci

I have recently had a WLE and reduction and was also prescribed paracetamol and diclofenac and had a very similar reaction. It started with a numbness in my big toe and then seemed to spread to my foot. First i thought it was in my mind and then put it down to having to lye on my back to sleep because of Op and that i had trapped a nerve.
Ive also become quite light headed and dizzy ( feel sometimes as if im away with the fairies) so i have stopped the diclofenac. Toe is still a little numb. I see my doctor tomorrow so see what he says. Im glad to know Im not the only one with this. Gill xx

glad if it helped in any small way.I was told that diclofenac is their number one choice for pain relief in hospitals so make sure you let them know if you ever (I hope not) have to go in again