Alone in Aberdeen


Is there anyone in Aberdeen who would like to talk on the phone and preferably meet up? I am 47, dx was DCIS possibly invasive. Had SN op 21 Nov and clear for lymphs then 1 Dec had mast and dl recon.

I know nobody personally (thankfully) who has C let alone BC and feel alone with the way I am feeling this past week. If you want to get in touch please send me a private message, thanks and wishing all of you who are reading this well.


Hi Carole

I am sorry to read that you are feeling so alone, have you considered Breast Cancer Care’s peer support service?

The telephone service aims to quickly put you in touch with one of our trained peer supporters, who has had a personal experience of breast cancer. Our peer supporters are from diverse backgrounds and ages and have experienced different types of breast cancer and treatments. They are ready to listen, offer skilled emotional support and share their experiences and understanding. For more information about this and other support available to you telephone our helpline on 0808 800 6000 or email:

Best wishes

Hi Carole

Sorry to hear that there’s no-one around your area that you can talk to - do you know if there’s a support group around your area?

I have Macmillan’s directory of support groups and they have an Aberdeen Angels (don’t know how old you are) but they are a group for younger women with all types of cancer. There’s also the Aberdeen Breast Centre at the Breast Centre, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary or PINK (People in need of Kindness) which is at Clan House, Caroline Place, Aberdeen. Not sure if I’m allowed to give you phone numbers on here but good luck with those. Or you could ring Macmillan to get the contact details.

I used to live near Elgin back in the 70’s!


Hey Carole,

I’m an Aberdonian living in London. I know that’s not much use for meeting up, but if you want to talk anyway, let me know here and I’ll give you my contact details privately. I’m the same age as you, I’m single (so I know about feeling alone!), I was diagnosed with Grade 2 cancer last July, have had chemo and then a mastectomy on 28 Nov. Now waiting for radiotherapy to start, and in the meantime am going shopping for new bras tomorrow (any excuse to buy myself some new clothes!)


Hi Sparkler, Pink Dove and YvonneMC,

Thanks for getting back to me all of you. Much appreciated and I hope that you are all ok. I am feeling better today, the weekends are not so bad as my other half is around, I live a bit out of town and so feel very isolated during the week as he leaves at 6.30am each day. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Message to each below.

Sparkler, As you can see not private so I will see if I can work out how to do that. I am a young at heart 47 and have been to CLAN and yesterday morning met with some of the ladies from PINK. Hope to catch you on the private email but if that does not work will get back to you in the open postings. Take care, hope you are doing fine.

Pink Dove, Many thanks for the advice, I did not know about Aberdeen Breast Centre. Pink went well yesterday so will see how that goes, I also found Angels and will be meeting them in February, have spoken to one lady from there to try to meet up with her before the actual monthly meeting but that has not happened yet as she is back at work and at the moment life is busy for her. I don’t know Elgin well, have been there and a girl I worked with in the late 70’s came from there. Where are you now? Hope you are doing well, all the best.

YvonneMC, Happy shopping, hope you get something nice for yourself. How long have you been in London I used to travel up and down on business but that has stopped now. I am coming down in March to see a show with 2 pals. Im not single Yvonne but just so lonely thru the week and in a bit of a low place but I will pull myself up out of that. Hope the radio goes as good as it can and that it does its job for you Yvonne. I hope you have plenty of good support yourself. Take care.


Hi Carole

Glad you’ve already made contact with some of the organisations in Aberdeen.

I was up in Elgin until 1976 but live in Cambridgeshire now.

I would imagine Elgin and Aberdeen are completely different now and I wouldn’t recognise either! I’ve not been back since then although a couple of years ago we went touring around Scotland and ended up on the Isle of Arran - beautiful!

Take care


Hi Pinkdove

Yep Aberdeen is way different to 1976, most of it in a good way. I have never been to Cambridgeshire, I do hope you have had a good weekend. Arran, I hear it is lovely, my sis in law was there last summer and really enjoyed it too.

bye for now, luvnhugsCarolexxx