Alternative cancer treatments

Thank you Leadie. I am hopeful and the 18th cannot come soon enough.

You mentioned the kent group in a previous posting- Is there the group for other counties?

Hello, I have heard of this guy also. Rivernile, how did your appointment go, and where is he based?

hello scaryfox

I am sorry I have not been on the site to check my mail. I have seen him. He works from a clinic based in central london. (edited by moderator)
his secertary takes the call and arranges appointments.

He does a live blood test and asked me to arrange for urine and blood tests which I have not been able to arrange… I have not been back to see him.
Hope all is well with you

Have just found this site and found it very interesting , but it seemed to peter out at a very informative point .
Any updates from anybody ?

“(edited by moderator) M.D. in London, England uses numerous herbs, nutritional supplements, enzymes, and substances uniquely tailed to fight cancer, along with a detoxification regime, an overhaul of the patient’s diet, and psychological healing strategies. He alternates protocols so that the malignancy gets hit from different angles at different times. He may use 714X, aloe vera, amygdalin (laetrile), bovine cartilage, dmso, Wobe-Mugos and other enzymes, glandulars, green tea, Iscador, flaxseed oil, Maitake, vaccines, shark cartilage, and other homeopathic and herbal remedies”

I have never read so much pernicious twaddle in all my life.
If anyone fancies coughing up several hundred quid to see this man then can I please steer you my way. I have come up with my own special potion made from yoghurt, x-423 enzyme, poppy seeds and bat droppings. Apply twice a day to your knees and it cures ALL cancer. No I don’t have any actual proof. Yes most of my patients still die of cancer. But I am a genius because I make so much money out of doing this that I can afford to rent incredibly expensive consulting rooms in Harley Street.

Haha that made me giggle.Seriously though, Well said msmolly I couldn’t agree more. :slight_smile:

best wishes Mel xx

Wait Mel - it gets better and better!

You’ll see he uses something called 714X which alt-med types reckon cures everything from cancer to MS.
714X is trimethylbicyclonitramineoheptane chloride.

There have been no tests done to prove the safety of this stuff eventhough it is either injected into the groin (ouch) or inhaled by a nebuliser.
Its importation has already been banned in the USA and 1 person has been imprisoned for health fraud.
It is basically 94% water with traces of aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, lead, and zinc. (Did they just go along the shelf and put in a bit of everything alphabetically?!)
Oh and there’s some camphor - the stuff they shove in mothballs.

The bloke who first manufactured this stuff claimed to have magnified cancer cells x 30,000 and saw “creatures” he called “somatids” which he reckoned cause disease. According to him these things belong to a category of life which is unknown to science. Oh how convenient eh?!
This stuff really is bonkers.

Oh my good lord, truly bonkers.People like this make me so angry making a fortune out of those who are so vulnerable and desperate for a cure.
Creatures called Somatids Mmmmmm that could make a good Dr Who episode.

Mel xx

I still remember the ‘doctor’ who told me about an international conspiracy that meant the most of the world still didn’t know about the amazing cancer-curing properties of *drum roll* bicarbonate of soda. (I think you injected it for maximum effect rather than eat your body weight in cupcakes.) I suspect he remembers me, or rather my reaction. Most of the diets recommended by such people are actually impossible to keep (so complicated are the instructions), so any failure would be blamed on the patient rather than the person who dictated it.

Thank you msmolly, melly and poddle - I couldn’t agree more. This truly is “pernicious”, and preying on the vulnerable and desperate.

For a humorous take, try the Mitchell and Webb sketches “Homeopathic A&E” and “Lifestyle Nutritionists”, both on YouTube.


Hi everyone

We’re going to be closing this thread (and editing some of the posts) because it goes against our guidelines about identifying specific healthcare professionals. Naming and discussing specific practitioners is not allowed in the public areas of the forum.

In addition, the Breast Cancer Care clinical team asked us to post the following message on their behalf:

“Breast Cancer Care is unable comment on individual practitioners and their work.

To clarify, ‘alternative’ therapies are generally used instead of conventional cancer treatments, whereas ‘complementary’ therapies are used alongside conventional treatments. There is usually no scientific or medical evidence to suggest that alternative therapies are of any benefit and may actually be harmful to use in people who have had breast cancer. Some people may choose to use complementary therapies to relieve problems linked to a breast cancer diagnosis or the side effects of medical treatment

It is therefore important for anyone considering taking any kind of additional therapies to discuss this with their specialist team. You can find out a bit more about complementary therapies here: or you can phone the helpline on 0808 800 6000.”

Breast Cancer Care clinical team