alternative therapy

Iscador/Mistletoe and Cancer .

“A number of laboratory experiments suggest mistletoe may have the potential to treat cancer, but these results have not yet been reflected in clinical trials. Available evidence from well-designed clinical trials does not support claims that mistletoe can improve length or quality of life.”

RE the use of suppliementing with IP-6,“In May 2008, the FDA sent warning letters to 23 U.S. companies and two foreign individuals marketing a wide range of products fraudulently claiming to prevent and cure cancer. The agency also warns consumers against using or purchasing the products below, which include tablets, teas, tonics, black salves, and creams, and are sold under various names on the Internet.” IP-6 Inositol Hexaphosphate amongst others was one of them!

Also with regards to Vitamin D dosages,You should not take too much vitamin D because there is evidence that too much can be harmful. The Food Standards Agency recommends that you don’t take more than 25 micrograms a day.

Re some earlier comments on the thread of “Whats the harm” a good scorce of information is below which lists 368,379 people killed, 306,096 injured and over 2,815,931,000 in economic damages .

Please ladies speak to your med teams before considering or taking any ALT medcines/suppliements so as to check that it is safe and will not interfere with your perscribed treatments.


FIrsty apologies for my previous post, I only read the ‘mistletoe’ bit and think cancer is so multifaceted that only one herb will not simply cure a cancer. IP76 ios very interesting though. Your wife’s situation is serious and one here is encouraging turning your back on conventional treatment.

In reply to the quack posts - I had a lump grow during FEC treatment - a hideous poison that crippled me, sounds like quackery to me! No one is advising turning your back on conventional and running off to Mexico.

BTW Coffee enemas are FAB-U-LOUS!


I am at the other end of the journey, not even been diagnosed yet. But if I am found to have cancer i will be straight down to our local chinese doctor, to work along side the NHS. This is an old well tried profession and in our family has helped my husband recover from a stroke, my son recover from ME and supported me through toxic shock syndrom ( a near death incident) I will be looking at them to help my body fight the desease, but more importantly to help me with the side effects of any treatment.

I think any thing that you feel will work and help you recover and cope with what is going on is worth trying. Wether mistletoe or chineese herbs and accupuncture. Dont let the sceptics put you off.

Hi Ladies,
I think it is fine for an “Individual” to use ALT medicine if they “personaly” choose too even though ALT is unproven to have any benifits and could infact in some cases be potencialy dangerous/harmfull,BUT… this is a public Breast Cancer Forum and as such there is a duty of care to others who read this forum either as members or in the public domain.
As i said earlier please ladies talk to your medical teams before considering useing ALT or taking any Suppliements to ensure it is safe and wont interfere with your perscribed treatments.The Medical profession is NOT withholding potencial “Cancer/remedies/Cures” from you!



Oh my goodness Coffee Enemas, i was just wondering about that too, does anyone know whats best “Gold Blend or Nescafe?” and should we use powdered or granuals? oh, and as we all seem to fart a lot on treatment does it improve the aroma! this treatment may take on a whole new meaning air freshener wise .



Hello all

Please can you keep within the community guidelines when posting and also refrain from quoting professional names on your posts.

many thanks
June, moderator

Thank you June. This thread was becoming intimidatory.

Thanks June x


I have noticed how easily threads can be firebombed by people who feel alarmed by their content. Make enough people annoyed and it will get locked by the moderators. Result. This is a shame. I’ve learnt loads on this site and been interested in the complementary therapies section - but this thread looks like it’s heading in the wrong direction.

Well put Meggy

The mods are editing prolifically because of a handful of women who do their best to impede and ridicule intelligent women discussing options.

Regarding the very humorous comments on Coffee enemas:

Only organic plunger coffee, no sugar or milk. Not everyday in my case. The caffeine helps release bile from the liver and give a much better kick than an espresso, just not so conducive to meeting the girls at Starbucks…You can pm me if you would like a more explicit description.


Hi meggy,
I hope thats not the case ,i know i for one would realy like to see an intellegent debate on some of these issues,i dont know why but when anyone posts disputeing any dubious or potencialy harmfull cancer treatment(which isnt backed up by reptuable scientific evidence and cancer organisations) some people seem to get annoyed instead of discussing the issue.

I personaly think as i said earlier that its important that members and the general public who may be reading the BCC forums have access to reliable and accurate cancer information .
As far as i am awear i dont think BCC endorses the use of ANY ALT medicine , especialy without firstly being discussed with your medical teams .
I welcome intellegent balanced debates unfortunetely it seems others do not.why is that?


dear oldandlumpy, thanks for that post. As per usual on this website, we have an interesting thread being dismissed and ridiculed by the usual ladies. I get sick of it. why can’t we all respect other people’s differing opinions without resorting to aggressive responses that put ladies off from posting.
Chinese medicine has been tried and tested for thousands of years and is used successfully by millions of people in eastern countries.
I use them myself and put my trust in them, far more that drug companies who are there to make profits and sometimes cause more side effects and further illnessws.

Who is being aggressive? i take personal offense to that comment and am also sick of other people useing this ridiculas accusation just because others may have a different view and some here want to silence them.

Im also sorry but personaly ive found that the aggressive comments have always come from those who continualy want to stop others from posting the evidence opposing any dubious cancer treatment claims, as ive said again and again this is a public forum and therefore there is a duty of care towards others and the general public,if anyone posts cancer related ALT treatments that could potencialy be harmfull to other people then they should expect their views to be challenged.
BCC is a reptuable Breast Cancer Site ,where people can come for reliable and accurate breast cancer related information, please lets keep it that way.


"When writing on the BCC forum, please adhere to the community guidelines;

Please be aware our terms of use state: Be kind to each other and celebrate difference and disagree respectfully - “it can be very easy to misinterpret other people’s comments, especially when read or written in haste. Sarcasm and humour are particularly easy to misunderstand.”

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