alternative therapy

Thank you Lucy x


“Chinese medicine has been tried and tested for thousands of years and is used successfully by millions of people in eastern countries.
I use them myself and put my trust in them, far more that drug companies who are there to make profits and sometimes cause more side effects and further illnessws”

Last time I checked the Chinese medicine industry was a profit-driven global industry worth many billions.

The Chinese medicine industry is responsible for the slaughter of thousands of wonderful rare animals (and impoverished poachers who get sucked into the wicked industry) just because some gullible nits believe a sniff of rhino horn or tiger’s penis is going to keep their pecker up.

I have no problem with people discussing these issues but a line must be drawn over spurious claims to efficacy.
(This is a contravention of BCC guidelines I believe.)

I think the Chinese Medicine industry is dispicable for the slaughtering of thousands of rare animals, and those who use and promote the use of Chinese Medicine should morally ask themselves what sort of industry they are supporting.

Some of you may find this artical somewhat disturbing and upsetting but i realy think people need to know what Chinese Medicine is all about and think again before promoting this kind of Woo.

“Traditional Chinese Medicine relies on killing endangered seahorses,Traditional Chinese Medicine relies on killing endangered rhinoceros for their horns,Traditional Chinese Medicine relies on killing endangered turtles for their plastron (shell)” these are sadly just a few.

I for one am very pleased to see a lot of the “Chinese Medicine” establishments on the high street now closeing down.
Linda x

We are posting this final reminder that if the discussion does not conform to the guidelines and stay on topic, we will be forced to close it down which would be a loss to those who have a genuine interest in the thread

Kind regards

I personally would be worried about trying altnerative remedies. I went into a holland and barrett after being quite ill after my lumpectomy and asked them if there was anything that they would recommend to give my immune system a boost etc. The lady was very helpful and suggested the usual things, but did say you do have to be very careful and check with your breast cancer nurse as certain things could either effect the meds your taking and do more harm than good or be quite dangerous as could stimulate the cancer cells. She suggested a couple of things which I mentioned to the breast nurse and she said I would be advised to stay clear to be on the safe side.

Correct me if I am wrong and I could be lol but didn’t Gloria Hunifords late daughter decide to turn her back on conventinal meds and travelled the world trying alternative therapies. I could be wrong as I have not read the book but have heard others discussing it, but I personally would rather stick to whats tried and tested.

ooh-give me everything that’s tried and tested please-then i’ve got an open mind and love to hear about alternative treatments that might help side effects etc-and energy levels-just had reikki -very relaxing !

since i last posted on here I have been diagnosed with BC had the ops and am now half way through rads. Been to my chinese doc every week for accupuncture (yes I know i have a needle problem, he has worked with it for years) and head massages. He does give me herbs–rieshi mushrooms. He is also giving me advice on slight lifestyle changes to help with reaction to radiation. (so far no reaction, but its early days) He has treated a lot of ladies for the side effects of tomaxifen too.

I think some hospitals offer tasters of alternative medicine free of charge, and if i did not have him I think i would be popping in to try them out. I dont think i would ever stop the convensional treatment though. As my old dad used to say—belt and braces!