I finished chemo and rads in May 2010 and since then have felt permanently cold. I have gone from being a flipflops and t. shirt in the snow person to cardigans, socks and scarves in 23 degrees and the sun. Tring to get warm in bed at night is impossible! Has anyone else had this problem?
I have had a throid test since treatment finished and it came back as normal but I know the throid test is notoriously unreliable but not sure where to go with it now!
Hi Karen
I finished chemo in May (this year) and have just finished rads. Although I don’t seem to have it quite as bad as you I have definitely been feeling chillier than I normally do. I do however also have hot flushes since chemo (am also on tamoxifen so may be because of this). I’m only guessing but maybe chemotherapy can mess up your thermoregulation by making you either cold or hot. Maybe someone else has more information…
Helen x
I thought it was just me!
I finished chemo in April, Rads at the end of May and am also on Tamoxifen.
I still get hot flushes (Citalopram has helped a lot) but even on very warm days I’ve still got several layers on. I didn’t break out any of my summer gear this year as I felt none of it was warm enough.
Very strange!
Nymeria x
I am freezing cold as well, didn’t have chemo, had rads and am on tamoxifen. I also thought it was just me!!! Mine started just prior to being diagnosed I just couldn’t get warm, I also had my thyroid checked, nothing. Is it a pre warning of bc??
I’ve suffered from cold hands and feet all my life from childhood, never been diagnosed but it’s like a form of Raynauds disease. I am rarely able to go out in bare feet and sandals and like to have a cardi with me.
I can honestly say having chemo back in 2006/07 has made it worse. I’ve been known to wear gloves on spring and summer days and I can’t wear anything sleeveless as my arms would be freezing. A few weeks back I had a minor day procedure done in hospital involving. general anaesthetic. The anaesthetist said I was far too cold and made the nurses tuck me up in a bed,covered in blankets with my hands on a heat pad, my dressing gown was also on. Outside it was sunny and sweltering!
My temperature is always below what it should be as well, my OH reckons I am really a reptile lol.
Interesting to hear that other people are suffering too. Im not on Tamoxifen which I know can cause hot flushes.
Nymeria, mine started way after bc was diagnosed and treatment finished so I dont think you should worry about it being a sign of anything sinister.
Would you believe that I am having a hot water bottle in bed? I mean, it’s August and I should be warm enough. My temp is always about 35+ never above 36. I had chemo, rads and Herceptin and finished treatment in July 2010. Prior to BC my temp was normal. It’s obviously something to do with the treatment so I am not getting worried about it.
LOL - I know what you mean about a hot water bottle E, because I’m doing exactly the same thing!
I can only assume that it’s some weird side affect from treatment. I’m not particularly worried per se, just think it’s very odd!
Nymeria x
think we are right not to be worried, its obviously some side effect that affects some people. Im just worried how I am going to cope with winter!
My first winter on tamoxifen (2007/08) I was cold all the time. Now I’m hot all the time and live in T shirts even when everyone else has woolies on! Wish I could find a happy medium…
I find that I get hot flushes but also cold flushes at other times and during those nothing seems to make me warm again. I am on tamoxifen as well and I only noticed the cold flushes since starting it while the hot flushes started during chemo when my period failed to present itself.