Is anyone else always hungry? I just want to eat all the time and this has got to stop… how can I stop thinking about food?
OMG…all the time. Actually it has just passed these past few days, about 12 days after my 2nd chemo. At one point I was getting up at 4am every night and making myself toast etc. Fruit doesn’t fill you up, but I try and eat apples etc. I have a supply of Crunchies and Wotsits in the house - Wotsits being relatively low cal. It’s the steroids of course. I just know I am going to put on about two stone during this!!!
I want to lose wieght not put the pounds on…am I ever going to get thinner? It really is awful…grrrrrrr… I am 40 in two years time and my goal is not to be fat and forty… but after this chemo comes the hormone treatment and I have heard that piles on the pounds as well…double grrrrr… will just have to make sure there is nothing but celery in the house!
Me too - have just started chemo and congratulating myself that my appetite is good which must be a good sign. Of course you are right it is the steroids - at this rate I’m going to finish up fat anf bald - wow quite a look!
Tell me about it! I could eat for England. I guess it is partly the chemo steroids, partly comfort eating “because I deserve it”. I asked my consultant when I was diagnosed if I might lose weight. He said most of his patients put it on for the above reasons. Darn!!!
And then everyone tells me I look so well - I tell them if I took the make up and scarf off, it would be a different matter. I think the movies have a lot to answer for with cancer patients looking skeletal.
I am eating so much and am piling on the pounds
Clothes starting to get very snug
Lack of exercise does not help either. Too much pain in my bones to walk very far
i dont’ want to eat three meals a day but neither am i eating little and often -It is LOTS and often
I also don’t want to eat healthy foods except cabbage and smoothies. Salad is a buge turnoff. Love bread and more bread!
I keep telling myself I will deal with the weight gain but at the moment dont want to and to be honest its the least of my worries (she says having opened 5 packets of crisps and a wine box -YES i have two friends coming round!!)
Glad its not just me then!!!
Blimey, when I’m a couple of days post chemo I could eat for England! If eating were an Olympic event I’d be a gold medallist!! For the first day or 2 after chemo I usally have a really poor appetite and eat v.little, after that though anything goes!!! I lie in bed thinking about what I’m going to have for breakfast, longing for the morning to come so I can eat again!!!
As with Sharon I definately do a bit of the old comfort eating, exactly as you say Sharon ‘because I deserve it’, at least I think I do!! OH has never had a sweet tooth and gets a bit cross when I constantly come home from shopping with big boxes of Quality Street and things ‘to treat myself’. He’s diabetic so he knows I’m buying them just for me! To be honest he does have a point though cause he says ‘you gave up smoking because it isn’t good for you, yet you seem to forget that constantly eating crap isn’t good for you either!’. He’s the nicest boyfriend in the world so please don’t think he’s a meanie, even though thats how I’ve made him sound!!!
For ages I have prided (is that even a word!) myself on the fact that I’ve been on chemo since May yet haven’t put on any weight. Oh how wrong I was!!! I got some clothes out the other day that I haven’t worn for a while and they felt v.snug! Even my bras are starting to cut into me a bit now. Oh dear!! I’m not exactly slim as it is so I really can’t afford to put on anymore weight, just can’t seem to stop eating rubbish.
Anyway, where did I put those chocolate biccies?..
Take care all,