Am Home!

Hi Sascha,
Thanks so much for letting us know about Elli, am pleased to hear everything went well with her surgery, and she is doing ok,hope she can get back home very soon!
Glad to hear you are doing ok too pet and have got your surgery over with aswell, its always good to get back home again isnt it, the drains are a pain, though luckily i had mine removed before i left the hospital both times, but it realy was fine and i didnt find it too bad at all when they were removed, was just glad to get rid of them lol glad your not finding things to painfull now, try and make sure you keep up with the arm exercises they give you as they realy do help to get your arm mobile again, and help stop any stiffness.
Take good care of you.
Hugs Linda x

Linda, just catching up, missed the forums so much over the last few days. Just wanted to say that like you I had a huge seepage of blood through my scar last time I had surgery. It was in the night - i woke up covered in blood. Went to a and e the next morning to get padded up, and amazingly went to see a Pink !Floyd tribute band that night! Glad you are ok - love to you and Sascha and everyone else who has had surgery recently.
All the best everyone,

Hi Mo, its blooming scarey isnt it lol i thought they hadnt stitched me up properly !! alls ok now though and am pleased to say i havent had anymore seepage thank goodness!!
Jeeesssee, have missed the forums too these last few days, am just about manageing to find my way around now but realy hope the latest posts section gets fixed asap!!, as its a b***er haveing to go through every section to find any new posts lol, are you manageing to find your way around? think it will be quite good when everything gets fixed but grrrrrrrrrrr!!
Hope you are ok Mo, big hugs
Linda xx

hi again all,hope the drain removal went ok sasha xx was thinking of you,.if any of you have facebook if you private message me i will add you ,best wishes to all and speedy recoveries after surgery …and Linda my bum cheek is still numb,i reckon it ws the crappy hospital bed lol xx

Have Pmd you Jackie re facebook, Duh, silly me didnt even realise Pms were working yet!!! Hope your poor bum thaws out soon!! Linda xx

Hi Linda
What is PVI please?
Wishing you all the best - sorry I don´t feel qualified to comment as i am not sure what it all means I was ER and PR positive, not sure how I can be both but still…
Do you know what your Ki-67 was? i am not sure if Her positive is indicated by the KI-67 score or if they are two separate things
My results are on monday and I am beginning to stress now…keep telling myself we are all individuals etc etc, BUT… .

Hi All, I went back for my results Weds after surgery2 weeks ago for my 2nd primary, this time in my opposite breast, my results are a bit of a mixture of some very good and not so good news, the good news is that they have managed to get clear margins and i have also got clear nodes!!! Yayyyyyyyy, am also Er positve 6/8 ,Pr neg, which i was amazed at but very pleased about as i was realy expecting to be told this new cancer would be tripple neg as my 3 different hormone therapies to date havent managed to keep this b***er at bay, so am still shocked lol but oviously very pleased about. The not so good news isthat i have some LVI, the tumour is a grade 3 again ,and i am also HER2 Positive, which means a year of Herceptin which they have said i can have at home after all other treatments are finished with.
So i now have to wait for an appointment to come through to see my onc, and will get the full treatment plan, as it stands it now looks like, Chemo, followed by Rads,Herceptin, then 5 yrs of hormone therapy, so looks like im in for the long haul !! Anyway have got lots of positives in there with the clear margins/nodes/er status ect, so thats good news eh, though am oviously a bit conerned about the LVI and HER2 + status tut, but at least i now know whats what and can get everything started into blasting this new B***er to bits.
On the PLus side, i have had all my paddings removed today and everything has healed very nicely but for one very small area thats still seeping a little, but hopefully that will heal very soon too, my breast is looking very good, so am pleasently surprised and delighted with the result of the mammoplasty ,cant wait to get the otherside done now to match me up ,but i think now with Herceptin on the cards it will proberly put me back a year more for that to happen grrrr,
Hope everyone is doing ok, will be so pleased when the forum is up and running properly again , Love and massive Hugs to everyone .
Linda xx

Hi Sascha,

LVI means Lymphovascular Invasion, my nodes were clear but i have LVI, i found this on another site which explains it more

"Lymphovascular Invasion

Breast cancers have a blood supply like normal tissue and organs. Tumors also

have lymphatic channels running through them, which serve as a circulatory

system in the body for tissue fluid and proteins separate from the blood

circulation. If cancer cells under the microscope appear to invade into the

blood vessels or lymphatic channels of the tumor, the possibility that cancer

cells have spread to the lymph nodes or other areas in the body increases. This

is called lymphovascular invasion or LVI."

Its worried me a bit but my surgeon didnt seem to be that concerned (or
didnt show it) he was happy because my nodes were clear, it does mean
though chemo would be more likely though just “incase” any cells have
escaped, i didnt have LVI the last time so dont know that much about it
but oviously would be better not to have it. Am trying not to panic and
just focus on the good bits lol.

Hope you are doing ok pet. i shall be keeping everything crossed for you on monday for great results, try not to woory too much( know thats easier said than done) but once you get your results and have a treatment plan in place you will feel much better about it all i promise. Massive big hugs to you.

Linda x