I had a local recurrence early this year and had a mastectomy and reconstruction. I’ve been healing really well and gone through chemo again and now on zoladex injections and exemesthane. After my recurrence I am very breast aware and have noticed a small pea size lump that looks a bit like a pimple on my scar line.
I know that some of the scar does still feel lumpy but this is new. It looks almost like a spot under the skin but I didn’t know whether to be concerned or not. I didn’t know if I should tell my partner or not as I didn’t want to worry him again (also he recently lost his dad and is still grieving), but did end up telling him and he thinks it looks a bit like a spot. He said I should contact the BCN to just get it checked out and I have an appointment to go to the clinic next week.
Thing is I’m worried that I’m being paranoid thinking that because it came back once, it might again. But I don’t want to waste everyone’s time if it is just a pimple or cyst.