Am I being Paranoid?

Hoping for some advice ,please ladies. Had Breast Cancer Stage2 Grade2, no node involvement in April 2010. Had Lumpectomy,Chemo and Rads and was discharged from any more check-ups this year. For just over 4wks now I’ve developed an on/off pain in my back, legs,pelvis,hip and groin. It started off as a lower back pain as I was watching my son play rugby. Then came the sciatica and last week I was out shopping and reached out to pick eggs off a shelf and my back went into spasm so badly that I couldn’t get my groceries out of the trolley. I managed to crawl into my car,but was in agony driving home. Saw my GP who said it wasn’t sciatica,but a trapped nerve in my back. He has given me naproxen and exercises to do for 2wks,but they don’t seem to hurt whatsoever. On the contrary, exercises seem to make it feel a bit better,except getting onto and off my bike,but as soon as I sit down or stand on the same spot, my back,left hip and groin hurt terribly. GP said he will sort some physio out for me if the pain hasn’t eased in 2wks time,but I’m wondering if I should ask him if I could have a scan, or am I being paranoid?? I’m a normally fairly active person and weigh 9 stone and never had a back problem before now.

A scan would give you the answer!


I don’t think you are being paranoid. Play safe and ask for a scan. That will be the only way to put your mind at rest if it is all normal.Normal xrays don’t usually pick up bone mets.

Don’t let the doctor fob you off if you are worried. You know your own body, no one else.

Good luck xxx

Hi - I don’t think you are being paranoid at all. Is it worse at night? I had persistent (but moving) back pain 2 years ago and kept thinking I was paranoid - eventually went to my GP who sent me for an x- Ray which resulted in a scan and a secondary diagnosis. Just go and ask if he will send you for a. X-Ray given your history and it will put your mind at rest. 

Thank-you all for replying Yes Rachel,it is worse at night. More painful if I try to sleep on my left side or reach over to switch my bedside lamp off. I do exercise regulary, whether it’s going for long walks with the dog,cycling and I run 7 miles x 5 times a week,but believe it or not, it’s the walking that’s the most painful. The pain hasn’t come and stayed in the one place where it started.It’s weird in that the pain seems to shift. My back was sore first,then my left hip and sciatica in my right leg.Then I developed sciatica in both legs and couldn’t sleep at all,but since last Tues the pain seems to have stayed in the pelvis on my left side and getting out of bed is worse. I suppose arthritis could be the cause with all the exercise I’ve done over the years and still do and I know I’m no spring chicken.I think I will take GP’s advice for now and just see how it is next week,by which time I will have had it over 6wks.Thanks again ladies xxx