I found a lump in my breast on holiday got back saw gp monday and the breast clinic phoned me today with an appiontment. One mintue im good…nothing wrong with me…the next im planning my funeral. Not sure how im supposed to feel .
Hi Alice, How your feeling is completely normal , the waiting on tests and results is the absolute worst thing and you will be up and down until you know what’s happening, we’ve all been where you are and you will always find a shoulder to cry on here, when do you go to the clinic? Xx Jo
Yeh - you need some extra support from someone. Do you have a “bestie” you can talk to outside of your family if you don’t want to worry them. We’re all hoping it turns out to be nothing serious, but good that you’ve taken action. We girls/women all need to be vigilant about lumps and better to be safe. I didn’t tell my Mum until I’d had results back from biopsies because I didn’t want to worry her unduly. But Id talked to a good friend.
Good luck and please keep us informed how you’re going on with it all.
Delly xx
Hi Alice - Have you told your daughter ?
Like you, everybody on here is hoping it turns out to be nothing serious. good luck with the appointment next week. Let us know how you do - either way.
Delly xx