I am after a bit of reassurrance here everyone, cos I am feeling really silly and a bit of a woos actually…
Why is it I burst into tears everytime I get sent for an ultrasound scan when I am having to have something I find checked out?
I have just come away from the hospital today, after having to have a scan on my armpit , because I have pain and a lump there 2 weeks ago(i was dx with invasive dc 2004, bilateral mx, oopherectomy)
i had the scan this afternoon, the radiographer said all was OK, so why do I have to burst into tears? I feel so pathetic… did the same about 6 months ago, when I had to have a scan done for a lump i found over scarline. Told it looked like a slip of muscle, so guess what? burst into tears again.
Trouble is, it was the same radiographer, and i can see by the look on his face that i’m being pathetic, which makes me feel even worse!
Why can’t I just go in, have it done, not have to wear waterproof mascara everytime i have to go there, be composed?
Is anyone else like this?
I now feel really silly, really pathetic, -it was 6 years since my diagnosis, so I feel that I really should be able to keep myself more composed- I am 46 yrs old, and really shouldn’t be doing this!
In fact, I seem to cry at the simplest thing, and worry about absolutely everything-anxiety city, thats me…
Does anyone else feel like this? I’m sorry to post this, just feel I should have a better grip on things really, not burst into tears.