I have had pain in my breast and have had a bloody discharge for a couple of weeks .After an appointment with the Dr who after examining me found a lump .I am now waiting to go for a mammogram and scan .Yesterday the discharge changed to a greenish colour which is quite sticky ,also I have now pain in my shoulder which just feels heavy and stiff .Am I worrying about nothing .thanks for any advice I am given
Hi Willow123
Firstly welcome to the forum, I hope you will find them to be informative and supportive. I’m sure some of the other users will be along soon to offer you their experiences and information.
In the meantime if you need some additional support or just to talk through how you are feeling do give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000. Here you can share your concerns with a memeber of staff who will offer you emotional support as well as practical information. The lines are open Monday to friday 9 to5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
Hello Willow,
I think whenever you find changes to your breasts that are not ‘normal’ to you, it is only natural to worry. However, you have taken the most important step already and seen your GP who has referred you for further investigations.
It will not be too long before you have your mammogram and ultrasound so try to concentrate on the fact that soon you will have some medical results.
It will be hard to stop your thoughts from worrying you but as soon as a thought appears, acknowledge the thought, but then bring yourself back to the present moment and whatever you were doing before the thought appeared.
I was introduced to ‘mindfulness’ when I was having counselling following a traumatic life experience (not related to BC).
Mindfulness has certainly helped me during my recent cancer journey and particularly during the ‘waiting times’.
Good luck with your investigations.
Sending you very best wishes.
Peace and Positivity,
M x
Hi Willow,
No one on here worries for nothing. Yours is a genuine concern for your health and it is perfectly natural to be worried. Some worry into a state of stupor and others have a different approach of only worrying when there is something to worry about.
All this is perfectly normal and as magic moon said, you have taken steps to find out what it is. Waiting to know is very very hard and I wish I could find a magic formula to take the worry of waiting away from everyone.
Fingers crossed for you and keep posting here. It really does help.