Am I worrying unnecessarily?

Hi all,

I know this may sound very trivial considering what so many are going through but I would really appreciate some advice.

I have had a pain in my armpit for a couple of weeks. It is getting slightly worse and I am experiencing some numbness in my arm and ocassional pins and needles in my hand. There is no redness or swelling to indicate an infection etc. It feels more internal - if that makes sense. It is a dull kind of pain - not sharp.

A few days ago I noticed my nipple flaking - I have never noticed anything like this before.

I have no confidence when it comes to self examination - I have large breasts and since having my children they constantly feel ‘lumpy and bumpy’ - the armpit feels the same. I don’t know if what I am feeling is anything significant.

I am unable to get an appointment with my doctor until afer Christmas!! Although I am waiting for a phone call from another doctor.

My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at 35/36 and died ten years later just after her 46th birthday. I am 33 in a month.

I know that when it comes to the breasts it is said that feeling pain is usually a good sign.

Does anyone have any thoughts or advice?

Many thanks

Hi conijoni,cant believe you have to wait until after xmas for GP appointment.I thought my GP was bad enough.If mine has no appointments left we have to phone first thing in the morning for an emergancy one,and only get 5 mins with doctor.When you do finally see your GP make sure you tell them about your mum and your worrys about breast cancer.It probably is infection and nothing to worry about but it is best to get it checked out.Wishing you luck.

love Mel xx


Call your GP again and tell them it is an emergency and you really think it could be serious and need to be seen that day. They will give you an emergency appointment.

My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer at 45 and died at 61. At 39 (Nov 08) I tried to insist on a mamagram just because I was worried about it but had no symptoms. They refused as I was under 40.

I was 40 in Feb 09 and in May 09 I found a lump. This was a grade III (invasive lump + 9cm area of ductal calcification which they also later confirmed as cancerous) and I have since had a mastectomy and lymph nodes removed (due to spread) and am 5 cycles through 8 of chemotheraphy. My GP at the outset said he thought the lump was a cyst but referred me for a mammagram anyway.

The moral of the story is that if they had caught it earlier then maybe my treatment would have been less and they may have caught it before it had spread to the lymph nodes.

So - please, please go with your gut instincts and dont take no as an answer. More and more younger girls are being diagnosed these days. I wouldnt be happy waiting at all. Tell them you are really worried that it might be a symptom of breast cancer and you just want to be referred for a mamagram given your family history

Good luck - let me know how you get on


Sorry - meant to add.

Most worrying symptoms are not breast cancer so please try not to worry unnecessarily and see it as a precautionary move. I think I read 4 our of 5 referrals are not breast cancer.

BUT… id rather be given peace of mind that it is not than wishing I had done something earlier.

Hi Conijoni, If I were you I would get back on to your GP again ( not the girl at the reception desk). Ask if you can get ANY of the doctors to call you at home when he/she is free. If asked if it urgent say YES. It may not be urgent but if it takes this to speak to a doctor, say it is. It is obviously worrying you and the fact that you Mum was so young should make the GP see you ASAP. I was 39 when I was diagnosed. If you were my daughter I would be insisting that you see a GP soon, and hopefully he will refer you to the hospital so you can have it checked out and perhaps you will have results before Xmas. Do not accept that you cannot see a GP until Xmas. It is just NOT good enough. Please let me know how you get on. Love Val

Hi Conijoni,

Many of the ladies who have breast cancer will tell you the toughest time they had was waiting to find out. Too often we just accept things because we don’t want to make a fuss. In this case, even though it really is most likely to be something simple, it’s time to make a fuss. Don’t spend any more of your life than necessary worrying about something that might be nothing. Like the others say, go back to your GP practise and insist on an early appointment. They always hold some back for urgent cases. If they insist on knowing what the problem is tell them you have a family history and worrying symptoms. At worst you might be embarrassed if it turns out to be nothing.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Jan xx

Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply - I really appreciate it.

I stayed in all morning waiting for a doctor to phone and managed to miss the call when I went to pick up children from school! Phoned the health centre back and explained - they said they would get the doctor to phone back but she didn’t! I will phone again in the morning and ask to speak to ANY doctor.

Thanks again,
Steph xo

Hi Conjoni

It is not acceptable that you to have to wait for your GP appointment until after Xmas. Call them back - tell them you need an urgent appt - if any Receptionist questions why it is urgent just tell them it is. If you are still being questioned just tell them you have found a lump.
I know you have not got a lump but it will ‘bump’ you up on the appt list.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October with no palpable lump being felt - just puckering of the nipple.
I have on previous appts to Breast clinic over several years for dense lumpy cystic breasts been told that if you have a pain in breast / armpit it is generally a good sign - for your peace of mind and reasurrance a visit in the next few days to your GP will be worthwhile - just do not settle for after Xmas whatever teh Receptionist tells you.
Good luck Leigh xx

Thanks everyone! Have an appointment for Thursday morning. Receptionist told me I had to wait until 15th at the very earliest but followed the advice here and was VERY direct about my concerns and the doctor phoned within two minutes!!

Thanks again,
Steph xx

Well done Steph…Thursday morning…that is much more like it…I hope all goes well with your GP and hope that you get referred to the hospital soon to check things out. Let us know how you get on. Hope it is all GOOD news. Love Val XX

hello Steph, well done on your perseverance - well worth it! I hope everything goes well and you get the reassurance you need in plenty of time for christmas, never mind an appt for christmas.
As others have said, its just not good enough to have to ‘make a fuss’ to be seen. I had to refer myself to another hospital before I was diagnosed, and my surgeon told me how pleased he was that I’d made a fuss. He is lovely and thats great, but I was stressed enough without having to do that.
love to everyone
monica xx

Well done Steph on getting the appt you need & shouldn’t have to wait for.
I saw my GP last Monday & have got hosp appt on Thurs.
Let us know how you get on, will be thinking of you on Thurs cos no doubt we’ll both be nervous but hopefully both be fine.

Hi conijoni

Excellent news re. ‘bumped’ forward appointment for Thursday - hope all goes well and like everyone else - let us know how you get on
Best of Luck - sending a big hug Leigh xx

Again, thanks to you all for taking the time to comment. I saw the doctor this morning. He really couldn’t feel or see anything that concerned him but doesn’t know where the pain is coming from. He is referring me to hospital but assured me that it was because of the family history not any real concerns. Hopefully won’t have to wait too long and will try and content myself until then.

Thanks again,
Steph xx


How did your appointment go at the hospital today?

Steph xx

Good for you Steph. It’s great you managed to get them to see sense. Best wishes for a good outcome at the hospital. Let us know how you get on.

Pompeyfan. I hope you had good news too.

Jan xx

Yes, pompeyfan, how did you get on?

Ann x

Hope you can help - I feel a little silly worrying about this, but I have a really sore breast, my breasts can be tender at times, I assume before I should get my period I say assume, as I don’t get a period as such, just occassional spotting which was about two weeks ago. I’ve had the mirena coil fitted for 2 and half years, and my periods virtually dissappeared since.
Its quite painful in the armpit and I’ve noticed a thickening of my breast.
I’m 44, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer at 43 and I have another sister who has just had a cyst aspirated in her breast.
This has been quite painful for the past 4 days, should I wait a couple days to see if the pain and thickening subsides or just make an appointment right away. I’ve otherwise very healthy.

Thanks for your time and would appreciate your input. xx


Hello Deb
I’m sorry that you’re worried enough to be here, but its a good place for support and I hope you find plenty of it!
If I were you I would make an appointment with your GP and get it checked out - if its sore and you have a thickening, and you are worrying about it, its not worth sitting on it and being worried.
There’s nothing silly about worrying, its entirely natural and I hope you will soon have your mind put at rest.
Take good care
monica xx

Hi Deb,

Your GP won’t think you are being silly. You probably already know it’s most likely to be nothing serious but why waste time worrying when you can get it checked out?

best wishes for a good outcome.

Jan xx