I have been prescribed amitriptyline for carpal tunnel syndrome which I’m due to start tonight. Has anyone had this and if so how long did it take to start working. I have been experiencing the most intense pain at night to the extent where I haven’t slept. The internet says it could take 1-2 weeks to work but the GP said it should work quickly. The thought of another 2 weeks of pain and no sleep scares me. As I have a toddler and a 6 month old to look after. I stopped letzrole on Monday as oncologist thinks this has caused it.
I took amitripyline for migraines and the sleep effects was basically immediate, but I guess it will depend on dosage etc. Really hope it helps soon x
I was told by GPs that I had carpal tunnel syndrome. Finally I asked to be referred to the hospital. I had an MRI and discovered that I had a trapped nerve in my neck. I have taken amitriptyline long term for fibromyalgia but try to only take it occasionally now. I found I have to introduce it gradually in a low dose, and build up to the correct dose. I had to decrease gradually when I came off it. It’s good but it makes me very sleepy. Hope you get it sorted soon and back onto your chemo treatment.
I have carpal tunnel and letrozole has made the symptom worse at night, I have hand splints which I wear at night, they help until it can be operated on, hope this helps.
I take Amitriptikine for neuropathic pain in my shoulder. It worked straight away. If you take it at night it shouldn’t make you too sleepy in the day - you may be groggy in the morning but should get used to it. A positive side effect I’ve found is that it helps me go back to sleep if I wake in the night