An online study into understanding resilience in breast cancer survivors

What is the study?

People who have completed treatment for cancer sometimes feel low or find themselves worrying about lots of different things. This study is designed to help determine whether a new web-based treatment helps reduce worry and low mood by building new thinking habits that promote resilience.

Who is organising it?

The study is run by Natalie McLoughlin from Kings College London.

What’s the criteria for taking part?

The study is open to anyone who:

  • Has been previously diagnosed with, and has had treatment for cancer
  • Has not, or does not currently have, secondary cancer
  • Has experienced feeling low or worried after completing treatment for cancer (not including maintenance treatment)
  • Is over the age of 18
  • Is fluent in English
  • Has normal or corrected-to-normal hearing

What do I need to do?

If you are interested in taking part in this study, you will first be asked to complete some questionnaires which will help the team to decide if you are suitable for the study, followed by a phone call to check the suitability of the study for you. If you meet the criteria, you will be invited to take part in the online study.

You’ll be provided with log in details for a website where you will complete a number of assessments and assignments. The majority of these will occur in a three-week period.

You can find out more about these through the Participant Information Sheet ( attached ).

When’s the deadline?
The deadline is 31 December 2021, but we would appreciate your support as soon as possible. If you would like more information, please contact

[images below updated on 31 July 2020]

Note: This study is still looking for participants.