An update by Boo

Hello everyone…she says, waving like a mad thing from the back of the bus. How are things going? Thought you would like a little update into the wonderful world of Boo. LOL

Anyway, I am now 13’ish weeks post Chemo, I have a fuzzy head and the hairs are starting to grow in all the right places…LOL I am feeling quite upbeat about things although am still having a really hard time getting a good nights sleep…hey ho, par for the course I suppose.

Have been taking my little white pills like a good girl and have not had much trouble with them. Get night sweats but apart from that, not much.

I have been having trouble with my last remaining breast…makes me sound like I had 14 of them to start with, but I didn’t…tee hee… Going to have a mmamogram and ultra sound next week…will let you know what that says.

Apart from that…trying to stay away from here so that I can get my life back and I think as a family we are doing really well. The children are poleased to get their mummy back instead of the screaming puking monster they had last year!

Best wished to you all.

Boo xxx

Hi Boo.
Good to hear from you.
Hope the problems with remaining breast prove to be nothing worrying.
Glad you are trying to get your life back and are enjoying your children and family and them you.

Let us know how you get on with mammogram and ultrasound.

Take care
karen x

Hi Boo!

How lovely to hear from you. A few of us met up this week and we were wondering about you. We missed your presence her very much indeed. Your sense of humour is widely appreciated! So glad to hear you are ok and getting life back together. I agree about the little white pills! And the lack of sleep. But it seems to be par for the course and at least we are waking up every morning. And growing hair everywhere, toes included in my case.

I so hope the other breast is ok my love. Stay in touch with us all.

Much love
