Anaphylactic shock from docetaxal

Hello every one, I had my first session of TC chemo yesterday. The first infusion of cyclophosphamide I was fine. When they started the Docetaxal they started very slowly and I was ok but had a headache they then sped it up and in a minute my chest was tight I was burning hot and my blood pressure was 202/112 quite scary but the doctors and nurses were amazing and straight away gave me adrenaline and cortisone and followed procedures. I was observed for another few hrs and my oncologist decided we should rechallenge it which I was happy about as I just wanted to get it done! This time within a couple of minutes it all started happening again so same process of adrenaline, cortisone and treatment given. I feel so frustrated as just wanted the first one to be done. I knew it would be nice but this was scary even for me! I now have another appointment with my oncologist to decide what treatment is next. I originally found a lump in December which was found to be invasive lobular bc then they found a mixed ductual lump as well. Unfortunately it had spread to my lymph’s so had wide excision lumpectomy and full axilla clearance. Due to the different types and lymph nodes being involved I had a genomic essay test called pro signa. This came back very high so this was why I had to have chemo. Originally as it’s hormonal I was hoping for radiotherapy and hormone treatment. Sorry for the long rant to be honest I feel quite out of it today and even though my appointments next week I feel stressed and just wondered if anyone else had experience these extreme reactions and what options they had been given. I know everyone’s different but somehow it helps to ask! Thanks! Helen x


It is a horrible sensation, isn’t it? I had a similar reaction when I was given Paclitaxel. Mine started very quickly. Like you I think I was expecting to feel “something” while have chemo, but not this racing heart, dizziness, extreme heat, etc. Because my first session was late in the day there wasn’t time to restart. The following week (after a discussion with the oncologist) I had a reduced dose and a reduced flow rate. All this meant was a milder reaction that took a bit longer to start.

My oncologist wanted to try again with the same regime, but I said I wouldn’t/couldn’t do it again. So he agreed to try another form of Paclitaxel called nab-Paclitaxel or Abraxane. This worked for me and I didn’t have any more reactions.

I am sure your oncologist will have some similar options available to you. I believe there are a couple of chemotherapy drugs that are similar to Docetaxal, but that won’t have the same effect.

I hope that you have recovered a little today and that you can find a way to carry on with your treatment.

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:heart:sorry to hear that’s happened to you, it’s happened to a lot of over the years either first docetaxol or second one, your onc might suggest abraxane at your next appointment, lots have switched to that and been ok :heart:I opted for another fec when it happened to me in my 2nd docetaxol. Sending :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Thanks for taking the time to write, it’s just annoying as you know the first times never going to be great and you just want to tick it off the list! Onwards and upwards, I will find out on Friday. I hope that you are getting in well too. H x

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Same happened to me and ended up with stroke type reactions and blue lighted to another hospital. All rather rubbish. Gave me 3 weeks off and then went onto to Abraxane which worked fine and made sure I had some steroids and piriton. Worked a treat and got through it. There are lots of things they can try to make it a better experience and ensure you get as much chemo as needed. Rather annoyingly I managed 8/12 from peripheral neuropathy which sadly hasn’t gone even 8 months after finishing.
Good luck and have a good chat with your oncologist, they would have seen this lots of times before. Xx


Thank you x

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