Anbody starting chemo in September?

Hi Ladies
Just popped in from the July thread to say I too dreaded having chemo - 3 FEC and 3 Taxotere. Had my 3rd FEC last week with barely any SEs …the 1st FEc was the worst but only had mild nausea! Hope you ladies are as fortunate. It’s a traumatic time and my thoughts are with you.
Healing hugs from Joycxxe

Had a really good day yesterday. Started with a run (well, very gentle jog) around the park with the OH and then we went to Cambridge with the inlaws. Hired a punt and had fun in the sunshine. Felt a bit wiped out on return and my back and hips have been aching in the night - think that’s probably the granocyte injections.

So glad to hear the other FEC weren’t bad at all for you Daysy.

I also worked out my cycle dates - assuming I don’t have to have a break for low bloods etc my last one will be 20th December. So all done for 2013 (other than herceptin and rads). Yippee!

Tippy I don’t know whether I’ll be having a mx or a WLE-I suppose it depends on if my lump shrinks and by how much. My surgeon is an oncoplast which I think means that she will look for the best comestic result with the least chance of recurrence-she said she may reduce and do an uplift on both sides. To be honest I think I’ll consider anything but realise its going to be a long slog!
With regards to work I’m pretty lucky in that a lot of my duties have been taken off me so mostly doing performance and admin tasks (ie very little!!). My employer has been brilliant so I’m lucky
keyfeatures-glad to hear you are feeling better

Well I ended up in hospital yesterday. Was finding it very painful to go to the toilet (sorry if tmi). I have a suspected fissure. Have been given laxatives and some numbing gel. Felt really scared because obviously worried the cancer may have spread and caused the issue. I think the pain didn’t help the anxiety either, nor the being poked and prodded in embarrassing places. However, the doctor seemed to think it will settle down and is most likely a side effect from the chemo. It really is difficult not to worry though. They gave me a blood test and my white cells are good so at least my immune system is in good nick. My hair has also started falling out but mainly from the neck down - if only it would stay that way!

Hi everyone
Seems like we are all getting through this with not too many SE. I just felt a bit queasy and after a few days I felt back to normal. Today is day 14 since my first dose of fec and hair is falling despite the cold cap . It was so strange as on my daily inspection of my pillow not a hair to be found so smugly went into the shower and a got a shock when the plughole was full. Just hoping that the cold cap might mean my hair only thins but not feeling too optomistic. Not looking forward to next weeks treatment as I have to go into hospital on Tuesday to have a portacath put in (more scars) as my veins are rubbish and then 2nd dose of fec on Wednesday. On the bright side at least it means I will be getting nearer to the end, only another 4 treatments hopefully.

Sorry to hear about your problems keyfeatures-its pretty horrible the amount of prodding and poking we have to go through. I also get really anxious/worried-in fact for me those feelings are harder to deal with than any physical treatments. Hope you feel better soon and great news about your white cells!
Lollo I also have my 2nd FEC next wednesday and had cold cap. No particular head hair loss as yet but I’m expecting it any time soon! However I do seem to be shedding from other (unmentionable!!) places. Good luck with your port-I need a PICC as my veins are rubbish too

sukiem - I agree, the mental stuff is the hardest. Sometimes when I come on here and see the secondaries threads it scares the life out of me. And then I feel bad for being so selfish and worrying about my own cancer spreading when other people are already living with that reality.
lollol01 - sorry to hear about the hair loss despite the cold cap. Are you going to persevere with it? I go for my wig fitting on Monday. Not sure how I feel about that really. I find wigs a bit creepy (and old ladyish) but thought I might as well get it as it is free. Think I will probably be more of a headscarf / hat person though.

Sukiem - I know what you mean about the ‘unmentionable’ area as it was a bit of a shock!
Keyfeatures - Think I will wait and see how much more hair comes out over the weekend before deciding what to do with the cold cap. I bought a wig in preparation but not in any hurry to wear it. Hats just look ridiculous on me and not sure scarves will look any better.

Hi all
Hope everyone is getting through this as easily as is possible and Fiona 508 - hope your first one went okay.
I’m still waiting for my start date, will find out tomorrow when I see the Onc Nurse and have my Echocardiogram - been told it will be next week.

Up until yesterday, Ive been in a really low mood, always tearful and back in my “fog” of breast cancer (I see it described on a thread as the dark, dark woods - which sums it up for me) and getting too upset to read these forums, or start to practically prepare myself for chemo etc. Somehow, Ive been more positive and less emotional since yesterday - I now realise PMT probably snuck up on me too, it does that lol. I feel like Ive gone back to work after a great holiday (but much more grim!) and am now back on the job of getting rid of this cancer.

I definately agree with the mental stuff being so hard to manage. Some days, Im so preoccupied with feeling sorry for myself that I really cannot function - then I feel so guilty that I am so fortunate compared to so many people … and on and on in circles. I find myself hours later, staring at the same blank spot on the wall lol. Maybe Im not the only one who drives myself mad :slight_smile:

Wishing you all a peaceful night
Tippy x

oh ps Its lovely to see people from earlier months’ threads posting their reassuring experience - thanks x

Hello everyone,
I’m new here too. I’m starting FEC-T this month, 3 x FEC then 3 x T + H hopefully (?!) beginning 24th but waiting for chemo team to confirm that. H will go on beyond chemo and im applying for the Persephone trial (to see if 6 months herceptin is as effective as 12 months but less hard-going for the heart). I’ve done a lot of research since being diagnosed in June and whilst Im worried, I’ve looked at the options and this kind of chemo plus herceptin seems to be important for my kind of BC. Any advice anyone can offer will be gratefully received as I head further along this path and likewise if I can help you as I get to understand more about the treatments and effects I will do :slight_smile:

Zingy I’ve been offered the Persephone trial too. But I don’t see the point of it. If you go for the regular treatment you can decide to stop after 6 months (or at any point really, they can’t force drug us) but if the computer has given you just six months you can’t opt for the 12. Maybe I’m missing something. I guess they need the longterm study for future treatment decisions but I don’t like the idea of being a guinea pig. There have been trials (Finland I think) where they just gave 3 cycles of Herceptin and found it to be just as effective - but not big enough trial for UK / NICE to make clinical change. It’s a very expensive drug so I guess they would like to reduce the amount but need evidence first - the manufacturers still recommend the full 12 months but then there’s money it it.
Herceptin can be tough on the heart but I don’t think we’ll know how we’ll react as individuals until we’re on it. Personally I don’t want to cut off my chance of the full treatment if it seems to have minimal side effects on me as an individual. I haven’t had the full details fo the trail yet so maybe there are advantages to doing it that I don’t know about yet.

BTW everyone I’ve made a Pinterest board to inspire me with the next stage of hairloss. You can find it here

Hi, im new to this forum. I was diagnosed with BC on Friday 13th (yep!) July, had mastectomy on 28th July. I was very fortunate that out of the 20 lymph nodes removed, they were all clear. My BCN has said chemo is an insurance policy for me. I have my heart scan on Monday (24th August), then first oncology appt on Thursday 27th to discuss ‘the benefits of chemo’, as i am considered ‘young’ (i am 39).
I am sooooo scared of the side effects its untrue. I suffer panic/anxiety attacks & avoid antibiotics like the plague! I always end up with side effects from them, so the thought of chemo is very scary (understatement!).
I have an 8 year old daughter & am single mum (although in a relatively new relationship - lets see how long this lasts eh?). I am assuming my chemo will begin in approx 2 weeks. The timing is brilliant! :frowning: My 40th is on 17th October (if i dont celebrate it, does that mean i can hang on to 39 for a little bit longer?), then its Xmas, then my princess’ 9th birthday is on 8th January! Suppose its an excuse to get out of writing xmas cards & sitting in a playarea with 30+ hyper kids! :wink:
From reading some of these posts, i am a bit more positive but obviously things will be clearer after i have spoken to my oncologist.
I am not too worried about losing my hair tbh (my wig was ordered weeks ago!) but losing my eyelashes & eyebrows is a concern. Blackpool Vic where i am being treated do the cold cap treatment but i have been told it causes migraines. As an already migraine sufferer, i really dont want to have to deal with that aswell as the other side effects so smoooooooth it is for me! I just think how much money i’ll be saving on hair products…!
Everyone on here is a true inspiration & i will def keep logging on here to keep up with news… Good Luck Ladies! x

Tippytara - thank you! Actually my chemo was bumped by one week so that SLNB could be done with time to heal. Had that done yesterday as day surgery and am back home wide awake since 5am.
I am now scheduled to start chemo on 27th - next Thursday. I am in the active arm of the ARTemis trial so instead of FEC-T it is T-FEC, 6 cycles every three weeks with the trial drug Avastin added into the first 4 cycles.
The positive spin on my type of cancer (grade 3 triple negative IDC- stage 2 TBC by SLNB ) is that I won’t have the side effects of Herceptin or a long Tamoxifen regime; the negative spin is that survival rates are lower because there is less in the medicine chest to fight it with. Avastin works for bowel cancer and there are hopes that it may improve survival rates and/or shrink the tumour better. I’m hoping for shrinkage so that a WLE is possible.
I’ve been so moved by the sisterhood of support on here and at the Maggie’s Centre next door to my hospital. I went in on Tuesday because I felt wobbly after the radioactive injection. A truly wonderful woman who has the same surgeon as me and had already had the same procedure offered to show me the result 3 months on. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the remnants of blue dye from the SLNB I would not have known which breast had been operated on.
Speaking of dye, I am a water-retaining F cup. I look like the love child of Katie Price and a degenerate Smurf.

Keyfeatures loved your pinboard photos - there are a lot of beautiful baldies about. I will probably look more like Jo Brand (who is great) but without the confidence. On the bright side there were no hairs on the pillows this morning so seem to come out when i touch or brush it so no more brushing or touching. I will just sport the birdnest look so if you can start a pinboard for birdnests that would be great!

I start chemo on 26th. Will join you on this journey xx

Sorry Heidi00123 that you have to join but the more the merrier as the saying goes. At least by reading the posts you will have a fair idea of what happens and what to expect although we are all different.

lollol01 - glad to hear you’ve kept some of your locks! I may well do a birdsnest board! I haven’t been shaving since my op and am quite pleased that the most extreme hairloss seems to be from my body - tngling on the scalp though so don’t suppose this excellent turn of events will last much longer. My (head) hair is so short at the moment I don’t need to comb / brush it etc which may have bought me a few more days.

Hi this is my first post here had my first Chem FEC yesterday , have already had Wide local excision then on to mastectomy 2 nodes out of 16 positive DCIS and 2 small tumouhave been wondering . So far not too bad sick last night for about an hour but just queasy today , no pain , taking all meds and plenty water . On steroid today so could be artificial boost ? See what tomorrow brings . My dog knows there is somethingup ,s he has sniffed all over me … I must smell different she still loves me tho ,lol ni6w6

Hello Azuree

Welcome to the forums, I’m sure you’ll get lots of support from our experienced users who I’m sure will be along to support you soon.

We also have a helpline who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes

June, moderator