Anbody starting chemo in September?

Fiona508 - would be a bit tricky to knit. My drip went into my hand and they wrapped a sort of electric blanket thing around my arm to minimise sore veins. However, I think if you get a portacath put in this would be different as it would go into there rather than your arm. My chemo nurse was good at distracting me from the worst of it and it didn’t seem to take too long. Next time I might take a movie to watch on my iPad or listen to music. I had my Kindle with me but didn’t get round to reading much other than the initial wait for the nurse to get all my drugs ready and check my paperwork.

szh… Yes, like you, I had a bright red face and throat for 3 days. I think it might be a reaction to the steroids I was given - I am going to ask about it at my next oncology appointment. I also had an outburst of small but painful pimples on my nose which was not at all nice! :frowning:

And I had the other side effects you mention, emotional, wobbly, giddy etc. but the nausea eased off after the first 4 days for me and I was never actually sick. I still feel slightly shaky, but much clearer in my thinking now, 10 days after chemo.
How people continue working with chemo fog and all the other SE is amazing!
I wish everyone minimal SE and lots of good days after chemo.

Hi everyone good to hear your SE and general messages. had my onc appointment yesterday and as expected will be joining you with 6 lots of fec. am surprised with the cold cap though as she really advised me against it. when there is a risk of cancer going to your scalp or head? is it because of my cancer grade, 3. although im heartbroken about the hairloss there are so many before us that have lived the tale and its not for ever. some of you have done your first session what did you take with you?
love to you all

I am exactly the same. I had an appointment last Mondaz with onc. They went thro options. Head shot so back next Monday to sign etc. I have looked at all the side effects. Sound amazing in it. Ur life for the next 6months. I know it’s nothing compared to the rest of ur life. But it still sucks. Long lovely dark wavy hair all to be gone or quality goes. Nice choice lol. Been on line ordered lots of scarves and that so hopefully that will make us feel more glamorous on the darker days when looking in the mirror. I am going to try the cool cap to see if I can stand it. I not sure of date yet but I would presume that I would have test the on that Thursday and start the following Monday. Already marked in phone dates for deleting. Suppose to be moving to new house bang in middle. Complete date hoping as long as no illness picked up and all on track 4th March. I know its not that black and white but goals and milestones get me thro it. More of a rollacoaster this part was praying for rads only. But age and er+ and her2+ was against me. My focus was my lumpectomy but now it’s chemo. Today thoughts scar is nothing now compare what is on horizon. How are u finding it all ?? doing how was ur surgery???

Me 2 starting prob 23rd
How was it today ?? What have I got to look forward to
They say day 5 is worst??
How was cold cap did u manage to tolerate it ??
I still got blue boob and it’s a month after surgery lolnstrange lol and peeing blue lol
Just concerned with work would love to go but autumn winter germs not to sure if I want to put myself thro it just in case
Taxotere gets totally rid gutteR
I have bought a few scarves and ordered more. NHs provide voucher for wig so prob see them in a few weeks. Play it by ear or hair lol see how much comes out in it positive mind
I hope ur not to bad thinking of u

Yes me 2. Hope is worth it especially that ladycut so much effort to get it available for all in Wales

Hi everyone
Good to see we have lots of people on here so lots of support for one another to keep us going through this. Sorry keyfeatures and sukiem that you have been suffering with nausea and indigestion - hopefully your chemo team can fine tune your meds next time so that you don’t suffer so much with it…

I haven’t been too bad so far although had a really bad day on Sunday with a terrible headache, tiredness and feeling really low and stressed out about the whole thing. Was particularly annoyed to be feeling bad then as had planned to do nice family things in the sunshine with my wee girls :frowning: Feeling better now though especially after a decent night’s sleep (mother in law looked after my baby for the night - a lifesaver!)

Bit stressed out about your comment on cancer and cold cap link annades - does anyone know anymore about this - I assumed it would be safe as my chemo nurse and oncologist haven’t mentioned any risk but as much as I don’t want to lose my hair I don’t want to prioritise that over risk of cancer spreading…

Hi InShock, I guess with anything that reduces the systemic effectiveness there will be a tiny risk, but it seems the chance of breast cancer spreading to the scalp is extremely low. The treatment will have passed the clinical guidelines of accepatable risk levels. There is some more information here -

Had a bit of a stressful day yesterday with someone trying to break the front door down - in broad daylight! Luckily he ran off when I shouted. Obviously thought no one was in because I didn’t answer the door. You would have thought cancer was enough stress for the moment! Luckily, my inlaws have now arrived from overseas and I’m being looked after like a princess. The house has never looked so clean. Goodness knows how they got all the dried foodstuffs through customs though - honestly, I feel like I’m in my own comic tragedy movie.

Hi inshock
I was worse on the second cycle than the first, the hardest days being from day 4 onwards but had a normal 3rd week each time. Just had my 3rd yesterday so I wait to see what that will bring. Had great news that both tumours have shrunk after only 2 treatments shown on the scan…and by about a third so the drugs work!! Taxol plus Herceptin start after the 4th EC.
Hope you keep well, carolx

Hey inshock, Sorry i didnt mean to scare you. remember we are all treated differently and my regime is different to you, you are trying to shrink something first, mine has already gone. lumpectomy in august. I should have been more generalin my comments I think I could still have a cold cap and so many of you are. Its also done on the cancer grade, our age etc.
Please dont worry, im sure you have been given the best advice for your treatment.
Just had the phone call with the dates, still fed up. but thank you for all your thoughts on the first session. I feel I am pretty prepared just from your posts, so thank you xxxxx

I had books, paper, drinks, some of my own food(you know what hospital food is like!!), mints and my portable dvd player and mp3. Used the drinks/food and didn’t really feel like using anything else as they are constantly changing syringes and I was interested in that! Also I was a little unwell when I had it. I’d say anything you need to distract you that is easy to pick up and put down.
I’d like to say lastly my best distraction was my dear hubby. x

Forgot to say about the cold cap - my chemo nurse also tried to put me off. I could find no research to say that it could allow the chemo not to work effectively though this seems to be something many oncologists believe. But I think it’s because no research either way has been done!! Ring up and speak to the professionals from breastcancercare here. x

Hi everyone, guess who can’t sleep. I keep waking up about 3 and my mind is going round and round. Decided to get up. My first three days sfter chemo have been the worst and my lowest with me wondering if I can go through this another 5 times!!
But I think reading eveyone’s comments I’ve already started a list of things to ask about countering side-effects so that hopefully I’ll feel better next time.
Yes I’m exausted but at least I can rest as my mum - bless her has been staying. And my house is definately more sparkly.
Funny how we’re all having slightly different drugs for side-effects and how we’re told slightl different things. Sorry girls the ramblings started. I thought that replying to specific posts would stay with that post, then I posted one twice!!!
Although I havn’t managed the computer for several days it’s so lovely to come on here - thanks girls! So keep your own ramblings going. x

I hope you finally got some shuteye JEW. Today I finally feel like I’m me again which is a massive relief. FIve more to go unfortunately. One of my big fears is the chemo will leave me with permanent cognitive impairment (aka brain damage). Longterm chemo ‘fog’ is almost made light of in terms of side effects, but I live by my wits and the thought of not having them is more scary than being paralysed or even dying.

dear all,
just a quick moan. have hated giving everyone the crap news that i have to have chemo. and despite people saying all the right things, you’ll through it. it will go quick, maybe the se wont be so bad. i’ve just been a grump, dont feel like being nice, just dont want it, and thats what i’ve said in return, you can only say the positive shit so many times!!! Once its started I will get back to sounding strong but for now, I’m content to be a cow!!! XXX
was annedes, now amd66

Hiya Everyone

Im starting sometime this month, after seeing Onc yesterday. 3 FEC 3 Taxotere. Am waiting for my echocardiogram appt before I can start. Ive got Grade 2 IDC - I had WLE and SNB in July, one of my nodes were involved so I had axillary clearance last month and none of my other nodes were affected.
I am dreading chemo - right from finding the lump, its been the thought of chemo that’s scared me way more than anything else, and I seriously considered just refusing it altogether (Im a wuss, lol)
My surgeon thought I was probably “border line” for chemo, so I was hoping to get away without it, right up until the Onc started talking yesterday.
I sound really negative already - I wont be (all the time, anyway) Its amazing what you can get your head around isnt it - this cancer taught me that - and having 6 months of chemo will get sorted somewhere in my head as well. I’ve ordered my wig already - Ive really really thin, fine hair so am trying to be excited cos now I can choose any hairstyle I fancy for the first time in my life! Wish I had the guts to actually wear a Marge Simpson beehive - I love it

Ive lurked on these boards since before diagnosis and have found it a lifeline - this is the first time Ive posted. The sense of togetherness is overwhelming, reading through everyones’ posts on this thread :slight_smile:

Hi tippytara

Firstly, welcome to the forums, I am sure you will find it a great source of information and support.

As well as the support you are receiving on the forums you might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:-

Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 10-2 Saturday.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Tippytara- I was also considered bordeline chemo but because of the size of my tumour (over 2cm) and age it was advised. My lump is also in a darned awkward position so they want to try and shrink it first with chemo before surgery.
I’m also on Fec-T chemo which for me is in 3 weekly cycles so shouldn’t take 6 months. I’ve had my first Fec beg September and it wasn’t too bad-bad acid reflux, fatigue and generally feeling yuck (like a hangover without the headache!). The worse part for me was the changes in taste and smell which meant I didn’t really eat much for nearly a week as everything smelt of onions. However everyones different.
I went back to work exactly a week after first chemo and it was ok but tiring. I’ve yet to lose my hair and used cold cap-however I’ve heard hair loss occurs about 2-4 weeks after first Fec so I’m expecting some if not all my hair to go.
Best of luck to you and everyone else here x

Hiya Sukiem
Thanks - its especially reassuring to hear that you went back to work a week after your first chemo - I havent even considered that I may actually be able to DO anything! Even a week’s wages would be a fortune after SSP only and £34 tax credits a week.
I’m having FEC before the Tax - also 3 weekly, so have got 6 months in my mind which means it will be behind me by the spring.
At least I’ve already had my surgery - though it was far, far easier than I imagined. The axillary clearance was less pleasant but the WLE and SNB really was straightforward. I could have mananged without pain relief and was feeling fine within two days really. Will you be able to have your lump removed, or will its position mean a MX?
I’ll keep everything crossed for your hair - tho I suppose even if the cap delays the loss for a while, then it sounds worth it.