They still aren’t 100% sure if it’s another type of cancer but as I’ve just had IDC and then a BCC they are leaning that way. The PET Scan showed that the swollen lymph node behind my breast bone is feeding “excessively “ on whatever they inject you with and is therefore classed as active. I’ve got to go into St Bartholomews for the surgery and it should be late November/early December. Then it’s the wait for results and we go from there.
Thank you all for your support and care and for the pm’s. BCN is the family that keeps us all strong.
Wishing you all a good week xxx
I had hoped for a better result for you but I hope your surgery goes well . Always here if you want offload or send me a DM xx
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Sorry to hear you haven’t got the result you wanted today, let’s hope they get your next operation appointment to you quickly.
We will all be thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs. Are you still seeing the nurse on Thursday?

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The nurse was there today so she stayed after the consultant left and went through it all with us, so Thursday is cancelled. In fact I’ve managed to book a Clinical Hypnotherapy class on Zoom with Penny Brohn charity. They are so relaxing and I always nod off.
Thank you @JoanneN @Tigress & @chillout365 I really appreciate your support xxxxx
Hi nannabee, I really feel for you. Hope the surgery is sooner rather than later and you get quick results. Fingers crossed xx
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Hello lovely lady so sorry to hear your latest news
Take sometime to absorb it and remember how far youve come
its another big hurdle but we’ve got you in our thoughts and everyone wishes you the best for the next surgery and recovery
Hugs x
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Bad luck but relaxation session sounds a good idea. I find a good loud scream in the countryside can help too. I don’t like being looked after and I like everything to be clear cut. I don’t like chronic conditions. Basically I hate everything about cancer. I did have art therapy. That really helped - I did an effigy of myself having radiotherapy. I left it at Barts and maybe it’s still there?