Angry, worried, resigned, everything

Hi Zippy and Sue
just to say, I am a year down the line and had the same worse than expected results after surgery, 20/25 nodes affected. It’s a real blow and took me a day or two to accept. But my bone and ct scans were clear and I took chemo and rads well. Am currently on a break from herceptin and awaiting my 1 year check up appointment, but feel 100% normal.

Take it a day at a time. xxx

Hiya , now back as lands (les and sue:))
as having a zippy and a zzippy was a little confusing :slight_smile:

Thanks for the post Flora, makes for some hope yet that it won’t get any worse hopefully :confused:
Urgent C/T scan tomorrow and MRI next mon both with “hot reports” back to the consultant etc, Another daft question from a bloke, on both scans do you have to remove all jewellery as i’m sure i read it some where and if so we’ll have to buy some washing up liquid or something fast to try and get a ring off sue’s finger.

I’m afraid we’re both quite worried as to the outcome, me probably more so at the moment as Sue is unaware of the “full” results and is prefering not to know at the moment.
The consultant told me on Monday that it’s not looking good, that coupled with an initial comment at the start of the whole investigations and diagnosis and i’m worried sick, Sue is really struggling at mo and has been to see doctor to get some bits to help calm her and get some sleep, (we’ve been on about 4-5 hrs a night now for a week if we’re lucky :confused: , i’m managing to get time off to try and be around and support Sue, anyone got any more idea’s how to try and ease the worry and take Sue’s mind off things, trying to go out for a short walk each day or do something different, but running out of money and idea’s.
Hopefully there may be some positive news after the scans but how the hell can it just go from life’s just about steady and looking ok less than 8 weeks ago to this, from no real symptoms to radical surgery, some long therapy sessions and a pretty poor outlook, it just stinks :confused:

Anyway hope all you girls and the odd bloke are doing well and here’s hoping

Les - so sorry that you are both going through this and hope that all the follow up scans are good…

I’ve had ct scans and they have been fine about me wearing my wedding ring… (i now have lymphodema so I am stuck with the rings i am wearing for life as my fingers have swollen…) I think it might be more of a problem with the Mri depending on how far down sue’s body they ever need to scan… the mri uses magnetism so metal is much more of an issue… i had to have an mri but it was okay as they were only doing my breast so my hand was outside the machine - it might be worth checking how far they need to scan as the last thing you need is getting there and finding out it is a problem…

I know quite a few people on here who like Flora had very large numbers of nodes involved and are doing fine so please do both take hope that all will be well… Treatment is awful but there is light at the end of the tunnel…

I know what you mean about how things can change so suddenly and I think that is what friends and family can not understand - just how frightning and life changing all of this is…:frowning:

Take care

Theresa x

My tumour was 9cm and I had 9 out of 24 nodes affected. My consultant from being very upbeat on my first appt - when he thought it was a 2cm tumour and no node involvment was too quite ‘downbeat’ I thought, when I asked for a prognosis… he said well its not as good as it was… obviously not… but at the time I latched on to the ‘not good’ and really thought the worst…

But heh, I had a CT scan which was clear, I have had my Chemo and now doing my RADs and taking hormone tablets and I am feeling fine. The nasty tumour is out of me and apart from a bit of a stiff arm and a sore toe(another story) I am doing well.

I decided early on that I wanted things to be as normal as possible. As soon as I was fit after surgery (a month or so as I had to have two OPs) I went back to work and I have been working ever since. I have only had to have 3 days off sick throughout my chemo and those were days when I just couldn’t function at all due to tierdness.

What I am saying is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It doesn’t matter how big the tumour or how many lymph nodes involved you will worry. Once you have been diagnosed with Cancer then it is life changing and you never know if it is going to come back… that for me is the hardest thing to deal with.

Once you have the results of the scans and your treatment plans it does become easier and you can start planning around this and get back into a routine which I think is a good healer both mentally and physically.

good luck to you and Sue…x

Hi Les and Sue
I have just been reading your posts and wanted to wish you well. I have just been diagnoised and am putting my dear husband through hell. Do you know of any good sites etc for Husbands? Mine isn’t much of a talker but he is going to have to have some kind of help. He isn’t very close to his family and has few friends due to his own medical problems. We are both fifty. We don’t have children. I do hope you are coping, although we know life will never be the same. Why the hell did this have to happen to us!

Hi Lexxie

I have put for you below the link to BCC’s publication ‘In it together’ which you and your husband may find useful. Please do also use the helpline here, the staff are here to support you and your husband through this. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000, open M-F 9-5 and Sat 9-2

In it together:*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/15/

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

God i feel like a cancer specialist now after reading virtually everything i see on Bc :/, but anyway the Oncy update today is


After a month of mithering about “poor” and “not good” and “urgent scans” the RESULTS came back CLEAR on secondary today,

Hopefully we can sleep a bit easier now, time to hit the bl**dy disease with everything now and stop anything coming back :).

Thanks for everyone’s comments and support for the last couple of weeks and months it really helps when your wandering about in the middle of the night not sleeping and wondering what to expect next.

Hang on in there everyone, and good luck with your treatment.


Next stop the WI to mither them to make some “drain carriers” for the local hospital :slight_smile:

Really pleased to see your news Les.
Time now to crack on with the treatment and get it done.
I’m ’ celebrating’ my 1 year anniversary now - it’s been an odd year, but it is done now (mostly!).