
Only just seen this thread. So sorry to hear how poorly Anne is. She has sent me some very helpful,positive private messages and advice and hope for the future. Really thinking of you Anne and sending you lots of Welsh courage and hope.
Lots of love and feeling so helpless here
Anne xxxx

I am afraid that I dont know. As I said, I spoke to her sister and she was moving her back to be closer to her family in Wales.

Anne had not been answering her mobile or reading texts, before that and still isnt. Her landline is useless as she has moved.

Her sister gave me her own mobile. I have text but as yet have had no reply.I will try to ring soon.
I feel totally helpless too. Julie


If you get to speak to Anne’s sister, please tell her we’re all thinking of her and sending positive vibes. She’s such a special lady.

Yes, Toronto, Rhydian’s been playing a big part of my life lately. Wasn’t I over in Liverpool last week to see him??! Oh, I think I may have mentioned that. And I’d have been in Bala this week to see him at the Eisteddfod if I could have made it.

Hope to see you all soon.

Maureen xx

Very sad news. Anne had died. I will start a new thread on’In memory’.


I’m very sad to read of Anne’s death - I didn’t know her but I know she was mis diagnosed so someone’s fitness to practice must be brought into question.

How do you make a mistake between bowel and breast cancer???

Another life turned off on its prime and possibly avoidable - we’ll never know.

Condolences to Anne’s family, friends and cyber friends here on BCC; I know some of you met her and because of that you will never forget her.