
I have tried to be subtle about this in case Anne posts again, but the likelihood is remote.

I spoke to Anne last week. All her treatments have failed. It is extremely unlikely she will be able to tolerate any more chemo.
We are hoping for a miracle.

She is being moved back to South Wales Camarthen (?) today by her sister.
She was talking about only having weeks left ( a week ago).
Today she seemed very tired and confused. I am going to stay in touch with her sister. She seemed very diplomatic and aware.

I feel very hopeless. However if you have ever had a post, reply, private message from Anne and would like to convey anything, please post.
I am hoping that her sister might be able to read them to her and something might get through.
She really was a bright light of hope to me. An inspiration and a joy.
I am hoping that she might still try Xeloda and have a few more years, but that is my hope and wish.
If anyone does not want to post publicly I am happy to send pms.
Julie xx

Hi Julie,
thanks for letting us know about Anne and what seems to be a very quick deteriation of this disease. We seem to be having nothing but bad news at the moment and it is just a very sad situation.

Anne I want to thank you for all the replies and responses you have made to many of my posts and I want to tell you how glad I am to have formed a cyber friendship with you on this forum and on AABC. I hope that everyone will do whatever it takes to make you comfortable and keep you pain free. I will be praying for a miracle.

Love Debsxxx

Thank you Anne for all the posts that have enabled many people like me to come onto the site and look around for answers to an unanswerable question.

God bless and give you strength xx

How sad I am to read this about our Lovely Anne infact I can’t still believe she is so ill. I have always loved the cheerful, friendly and helpful posts on our Liverpool thread from you Anne.

Thinking and Praying for you at this time.

Love Ruthx

I am also so sad to hear Anne is so ill, it was such a short time ago that we had lunch with her and she was her lovely, bubbly self.

My prayers and thoughts are with you,

Take care,
Love Janxx

I haven’t been on much recently what with work and the sad losses recently. So sorry to hear you are so poorly Anne. I wish you peace and the gift of time.


What a lovely way to put it Ostrich :slight_smile:

There are people here Anne to whom you have become very special. Thinking of you.


Thinking of you, Anneth, and of your friends and family. Your posts on the forum were so helpful to so many.

Kay x


Please pass on all my love and best wishes to Anne and tell her that I hope she is soon back to being “a nusiance” her words! on AABC as she was a few weeks back.

I do hope they can make her comfortable and that maybe Xeloda will work for her.


I have always really enjoyed her posts and appreciated her kindness to me. Please send my love to Anne and her family.

Heavens - I hadn’t realised she was so ill! Anneth, thanks for an exchange of intelligent and very amusing p.m.'s and your support when I was in a difficult situation. I havn’t kept up with the forum too much lately, so I cannot believe this. I do hope that you will pull through or that you will be given strength and peace to cope with whatever outcome you may have too bear.

Thinking of you, we cannot afford to lose you

much love

so sorry to hear Anneth is so unwell - sending love and all my wishes to you Anneth - much love , jaynex

Hi Julie

I am so sad and shocked, I only meet anne once but she was someone you instantly liked. She was so up beat and great to listen to i loved her outlook. please give her my love i hope she make a miracously recovery it has happen many times before and i hope this is another one.

I too am very sorry to hear of this news.

It is so hard to watch someone you love deteriorate and my thoughts and best wishes are with you.

Please pass my regards on to Anne


I can’t believe this news, so sorry to hear Anne you are so poorly. Thinking of you loads. xxx


Oh Anne! I’m so, so sorry to read you’re having it rough at the moment. I don’t come on here so much these days but was over in Liverpool this week (Rhydian concert :-)) and thought about our last lunch at the Adelphi. I wondered how you were going on with your move back down south and with the new man in your life and, believe it or not, fully intended to pm you this weekend :frowning:

Stay strong, stay cheerful as always, and keep going in what you call this crazy world.

Thank you, Juliet, for posting this.

Maureen xx

Lovely to hear from you Maureen. We thought perhaps you were spending more time dongle less in Anglesey.

It was a nice lunch… Julie xxx

Have just got back from holiday and cannot believe Anne is so ill. Anne, thank you for your cyber friendship and wise posts. I am hoping that there will be more, but if not, hope that you are comfortable, peaceful and know the love we are sending you.

Lovely to hear from you also Maureen, we were worried about you, but we thought maybe Anglesey, not to mention Rhydian, had something to do with it!

My thoughts and prayers are with Anne.

Take care,
Love Janx

Any one got news on how Anneth is?
