Annual Check up - and scared!!!!!

Hi Ladies

I was diagnosed end of nov 06 so know that my annual check up is due.

I saw my onc a couple of weeks ago to have my zoladex injection, and mentioned to him that I had felt a small pea size lump just to the side of my mastectomy scar.(just in the middle where you can feel your chest bone)
He had a feel and he said in his opinion it felt like scar tissue, but if I was concerned he could arrange for me to see the surgeon that I am under. He said my check up would be coming soon so to tell him then.

I tried to put it to the back of my mind, but on having a check yesterday the lump is still there and I feel like it is getter bigger.
I phoned my breast care nurse today and they have arrange to see me next Wednesday, where they will do my annual check up too.

I am soooooo scared!!!

I keep thinking what if…

Does anyone else feel like this when their check ups were due?


Hi Angiebabes, I was diagnosed Sept 06, and had mastectomy Oct 06 so my 1 year check is due next month. I know exactly how you feel. I had a reconstruction August 07, and I went for a follow up appointment for that last week.
Like you, I can feel a lump near my scar, but they said it feels like scar tissue. I think that is quite common.
Try not to worry. It is most likely nothing to worry about anyway. Even if it should turn out to be something nasty, they will deal with it.
Most of the things we worry about in life never happen, and most of the really nasty things take us totally by surprise.
I will be thinking about you.
Stay positive.

Dear Angie

If you would like some further support during this difficult time please feel free to contact our helpline on 0808 800 6000. Our helpliners are either specialist breast care nurses or people who have had personal experience of breast cancer so will have an understanding of how you feel right now. The team can talk to you about other forms of support we can offer such as ‘Peer support’ and ‘Live chat’ if you feel it would help, or can just provide a ‘listening ear’.

The helpline opens Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm.

Best wishes

Breast Cancer Care