Hello everyone. Recent referral to clinic found cyst for draining as suspected. However, I have to go back for a biopsy in another area, the same place that was biopsied two years ago after finding calcufications on the x-rays. I was given a benign diagnosis then but the doctor explained last week that there have been “changes” in the same area, which they would not normally expect to see. No drama, everyone highly professional and consequently I’m feeling fairly calm. But … can’t help wondering if they missed something nasty a couple of years ago . This will actually be the third biopsy of the same area in just over 4 years. I’m wondering, has anyone had similar circumstances and if so what was their outcome? “Unexoected changes” does make me a bit nervous. Thank you. (I’m 50).
Hi CathyAJ,
Welcome to the forum. I am sorry you are going through this anxious time and I am sure some of our users will be showing their support and sharing their expereinces soon.
Whilst you are waiting for the other users to reply with their expereinces and knowledge do give the helpline a call on 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about the biopsy.
Best wishes,
Digital Community Assistant
Thank you Lizzy. Not feeling too anxious and I’m fairly relaxed about the biopsy procedure having had previous expetience of them, (The staff at the clinic helped enormously too, so calm about it all that I think it rubbed off on me. The last time, one of the nurses, lovely though she was, was just a little too kind and meaningful and it scared the wits out of me, what did she know that i didn’t? ?) My concern is that I’m not at all sure what “changes” might mean. Doh! I mean I understand it means the area that was looked at before and given the clear looks different 18 months or so on. What I’m not at all sure of are possible implications of those changes. Oh dear, not explaining this very well! I suppose my worry is that “changes we would not have expected” could mean something was missed last time and I Wondered if this had been anyone else’s experience. They couldn’t tell me very much at the clinic last week. I understand that completely, hence the need for biopsy, but I’d like to feel I wasn’t going in completely blind on Thursday and get some inkling from other ladies who were told they had “changes” as to what possible outcomes might be so I can prepare mentally (for the worst I guess).
Thanks again. Cathy
. Had biopsy a week ago last Thursday. Radiologist said result should be in within the week, they would have their meeting on Friday morning and I would receive a letter with my results a few days after that. A different consultant’s secretary rang me mid morning on Friday asking if I could come in to see him on Monday (tomorrow) afternoon. He is an oncoplastic breast surgeon. This, combined with metal marker inserted at biopsy has me putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 5. Would very much appreciate hearing from anyone about how they were contacted with biopsy results, ie does a phone call rather than a letter indicate urgency or is it fairly standard practice whatever the result ?
Hi Cathy,I think that most people have a marker inserted in case you need surgery to help them identify the precise area to remove if it is cancer,they though my lump was innocent but I still got a market.It could be that you need some treatment ,but it is not cancer or could be DCIS (non invasive cancer that they remove as a precaution ),they prefer to discuss any treatment face to face.If it is cancer try not to panic ,caught early it’s very treatable ,lots of support and advice on this site.Let us know how you get on.Jill
Thank you very much Jill for your kind reply. It is stage 1, low/intermediate, they think non-invasive. My surgery date (“simple” mastectomy) tbc on Friday, probably 1st March. Surgeon was very reassuring that barring any nasty surprises - which he doesn’t expect - he doesn’t think radiotherapy will be required. My Overwhelming feeling is enormous relief, it could have been so much worse, particularly as it was picked up by chance while x-raying harmless cysts. Another couple of years and it could have been a very different story. My only questions now are about the physical recovery process and I have asked for any advice in a different section. Thanks again Jill, much appreciated and I wish you all the very best.
That’s "good " news Cathy,ironic isn’t it that you can be relieved to have DCIS and a mastectomy !!Im sure other ladies who have had similar will respond with advice.There are a couple of threads in the “Just Diagnosed” section where some ladies who are having/have had similar treatment are talking they may be able to help too .
Just seen you have posted in just diagnosed section .You could also repost your query in the surgery section(going through treatment )
Thank you Jill. Yes, if someone had told me a month or so ago that I’d be feeling so glad to receive such news I would awriously have questioned their sanity! But after all of the imaginings of the last few weeks I have nothing but the urmost admiration for people dealing with so much worse. Thanks again x