Another grandaughter

I have just become a nannie again to my third grandaughter, what a joy. I have yet to have a grandson!!! After having the most awful year ever it is beginning to leave us with really lovely news. Lets hope it continues.

Love to all xx

Lovely news, congratulations. Hope this new arrival will be a happy distraction from your difficult times and focus for the future.x

Hi sunshine
Well done ! I’m a nannie too of 3 and as we speak my eldest girl is in labour with her 1st, a little girl too. I was diagnosed in January this year and had a grandson in jan and a granddaughter in march!!! 3 in one year and it has helped having all of the joy and chaos around :slight_smile:

congratulation to both of you,
My daughter had a baby girl while I was on chemo. She is an absolute joy and gave me a foot hold in the real world


Awwwh, congratulations to both of you! It’s brought a tear to my eye! :slight_smile:

Luv, Shelley xxx

congratulations granny sunshine xxx

congratulations its so lovely to hear great news love to you and baby xxx