I’ve just found a lump just under the skin on my reconstructed breast (implants) near where the original bc was but not on the scarline as such.
I’m panicking about what I need to do. I’m due to see my oncologist next wed anyway for a routine follow-up. Will he be able to examine and diagnose this? He hasn’t done a breast check before as all the breast stuff is done at a different hospital and the oncologist has just been in charge of chemo etc. I guess the answer is that I need to ring up tomorrow and ask them but finding this all a bit difficult and will just be a tearful blubbery mess on the phone.
Is there any point seeing my GP in the meantime? Or do I need to make an extra appointment with the breast surgeon?
Hi, I’d advise you to ring your bcn in the first instance - they can usually sort an urgent appt if necessary. See what they say, and you could always see gp as well. I’ve not had mx or recon so can’t comment on that but obviously anything out of the ordinary should be looked at. I won’t say don’t worry coz that’s not gonna happen! The sooner you get advice the sooner your mind can be put at rest. Do post on how you get on, be thinking of you, I’m sure you’ll be ok. Take care, Pat x
Thanks for your reply Pat. I have rung up and they are going to call me back to arrange an urgent appointment today or Monday hopefully.
Just wanted to say that I am thinking of you and praying that this is just scar tissue.
I have had a recurrence in my reconstruction so if you need any advice please don’t hesitate to contact me…
Sending you love and luck
Thank you Nikki, I go in tomorrow at 1.30pm but am expecting a long wait as I don’t have an appointment as such, they are just squeezing me in as an extra case. This is with the breast surgery clinic so hopefully they’ll be able to tell me one way or the other tomorrow.
Good luck tomorrow. It’s distressing to go through yet another process - I hope all is well for you!
Just seen your posting, hope all goes well with your appointment.
I have recurrence in my reconstructed breast any support or advise i can offer then feel free to contact me.
Its the unknown that is the most stressful and hoping that you get good news.
Take care
Suzi x
It IS good news - the lump is apparently a tiny bit of the implant pushing its way through a gap in the scar tissue. The surgeon was confident it was definitely that and nothing else. Thank you everyone for your kind support which is very much appreciated.
Nicola xx