Another Newbie

Hi All
Just thought I’d introduce myself as I’m new to all this, diagnosed only last week (20.2.13). At the moment it’s all very daunting and worrying but I’ve been reading all my info from the hospital like a good girl!
Currently I’m waiting for an MRI scan so they can formulate a plan. All I know is that it will definitely involve some sort of surgery, hopefully lumpectomy, and probably a course of chemo. I just wish I could get on with it now, don’t want to be waiting around!
Looking forward, if that’s the right phrase, to getting to know some of you who are going through the same sort of thing as me.

Hi Rachel. The waiting game is one we just can’t win fast enough - but eventually enough time passes and the various appointments come and go. In the meantime you are doing all you can and genning yourself up as much as you can with what’s available. This site is excellent for information downloads or just for reading through various aspects. Post as much as you like and read/respond to get a momentum going. First posts on a thread always ‘hang’ until they have been responded to once… then go on to the front page (until enough people post and then they drop down again). Have you got some support around you?
There is also a facebook page for younger women with private access thingy… you can find them via a search.
Here’s hoping everything goes smoothly

Hi Rachel, big hugs too you, sorry you’ve found yourself on this site which is full of lovely people all ready to give you help and support. The waiting around for tests and results really is the pits. You have just started your roller coaster ride. Please don’t google just stick to this site and Macmillan most of the other sites will scare you silly.
There are very lovely helpful ladies on here who will be more than willing to help and answer any questions, I currently in the waiting room waiting for test results for 2nd op so fully understand how you feel.
Lets us know how things progress, take care Lynn x

Thanks toriaconey and Lyn1957. I’m very impressed with all the information available on this site and definitely won’t be googling stuff. I tell my Mums (I’m a Health Visitor) all the time not to google stuff about their babies as it’s like a car boot sale - you never know quite what you’re getting!
Spoke to the MRI dept yesterday and they’re not fitting me in until 11 March! I was hoping to get in this week really as I don’t have to wait until the right time of the month (had hysterectomy 2 years ago - yes I really don’t do things by halves!!). However, did say to them that I can come at short notice if they have a cancellation, so fingers crossed.
Bye for now xxx

Hi Cornet - hope you get a cancellation. It doesn’t really help much being ‘in the business’ does it… i.e. your professional background. I am also health background and it didn’t help me as breasts aren’t my specialist subject… but in some ways it did help as I was able to process all the info using my scientific brain so could de-personalise myself somewhat. I don’t think the time we wait makes any difference to outcome it’s just very very annoying and a worrying time until we can get a dignosis and get cracking with a plan of action. In the meantime we feel impotent. Do post back when you need to and to update us.

I like you am just starting out on this journey! Yes the waiting part is very very hard and I didnt even have to wait that long i was diagnosed on 4th feb and as lymph nodes were also positive I had to have ct scan and bone scan eTc… Thankfully these were all done that same week and Jane my breast care nurse called me almost straight away with the results to say all clear thank god! Had my surgery on 19th Feb found out results on 27th feb that they got the clearance they wanted unfortunately 9 nodes infected so chemo is a definite and am going to see the chemo proff today. So all in all from finding the lump to having all the scans and having surgery was just over 5 weeks which I think now is bloody marvellous but at the time felt like I was waiting for one answer or another forever!!! Honestly the waiting is the hardest part once your treatment plan is in place you can just get on with it and kick its ass! Hope your treatment runs smoothly and you cope well with it, sending you hugs! Xx

Hi Jlr. Thanks for cyber hugs - much needed at the moment. Hope your op went well and that your appt was OK. Glad that it’s all been quite quick for you. Good luck with the chemo - let me know how it goes.
Lots of hugs and positive vibes x
Toriaconey, I completely agree that as a health visitor I have no knowledge of breast cancer, in fact I don’t know much about cancer of any kind. But at least being a health professional I feel much more able to make informed choices and assert myself than perhaps a lot of other people would. Hopefully I won’t have to!
Take care xxx

Hi Rachel
I read on another thread that you are from Norfolk too. I am 40 and live in Norwich. I was diagnosed at end of January with invasive lobular breast cancer. I also had to wait for an MRI scan before they could give me a treatment plan and the waiting in the first weeks of all this is horrible! Lots of deep breaths required at times… Thankfully, the scan was clear so I had a lumpectomy last Thursday (made them fit it around a holiday for my 40th at end of Feb) and so relieved that the surgery is over so I can relax for a bit and now waiting for an appointment for the next stage. I will have chemo and then radiotherapy. I am only a little bit sore but keeping up with painkillers. Moving around is fine, can change beds sheets etc, but still lapping up the support of friends coming over to cook/clean for me!
Who is treating you at the NNUH? My surgeon is lovely.
Hope all was ok with the MRI scan, that has to be the worst thing I’ve had done to me in this whole process even though it was pain free - didn’t realise it would take so long nor how claustrophobic I was until I was in it!
Hayley xxx