Another one newly diagnosed ....

Hi, I’ve just received a diagnosis.  Like everyone else, I suppose I’m a bit all over the place.  I had a holiday already booked, which I’ll be going on then lumpectomy is booked for 24 October.


This might sound absolutely barking, but mostly I feel reasonably positive and quite lucky that I’ve been caught early by routine screening (although I’m only 47).  A friend suggested I look at it as if it’s a bad tooth that needs taking out.  Am I just kidding myself if I try and handle it like this?  Can I REALLY do it like this?  Can I cope this well (OK, I expect to have some wobbles) or am I about to go into meltdown?

Bit confused …


Any advice?

Hi Nally and welcome to the BCC forums
In addition to the support you will have from your fellow users here soon, please do feel free to call our helpliners for practical and emotional support on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays

The following link will take you to the BCC ‘Treatments’ pages where you will find lots of information and further support ideas which I hope you will find helpful:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Nally


Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but yes good that it has been found early. I had first dx at 47 but I found llump as no mammos here till you are 50 so good that you got early screening. I have been dx with new priamary so going through it all again but  I think that is  a good attitude to have and yes you probably will have more than one wobble on this journey but anyway that gets you through is most definitely OK!!!

Go and enjoy your holiday and then come home and get stuck in to your treatment. You will have more waiting for results usually 2 weeks after lumpectomy but then you will get your treatment plan and that usually makes people feel much better.

Best wishes


Jill xxx