Another What Not to Say

You certainly do find out a lot about people around you through this Rosie !!

You ladies are my buddies now! We are as one and will fight anything that needs fighting together!
I just want us all to be well

I wish they had a real time chat room x

How was the caravan Jencat?

Hi Jencat
I think you must have missed the Wi-Fi as you missed us!!!:smiley: Glad you had a nice relax.
It isn’t nice when we get results we don’t expect, that’s why I always think the worse and a bonus if not that bad. It’s all normal to go on a downer and yes does take over our minds like a rollercoaster but at least we can be treated! Best not to let the mind wander because once it does we upset ourselves again!
I’ve had another lovely day with different friends celebrating my daughter’s birthday but come home now and my app tomo is on my mind so I doubt I will have much sleep!
Im just thinking what are they gonna throw at me this time?
But, after a bit of a downer it kind of eases off again until next procedure!
Positivity and a strong mind will help us recover better…so we need to bring ourselves out of the low asap (easily said)
It doesn’t help when we are single, yet wouldn’t want to be with someone who couldn’t deal with it either, so mates and daughter are brill!
Think we need to do a single thread too?
We must try to get some sleep as we always feel

morning ladies been thinking of you all x you are super strong even though you don’t always feel like it and may have had a knock back but can dust off and carry on x bug hugs

Good luck with appointments x and yes Rosie I believe we are stronger than we ever though possible x

Good luck CK ,hopefully you will feel better with more information and meeting the chemo nurses etc.

Ha ha ha perhaps the bug will bite cancers @ss xx

Morning ladies
On my way to my friends now so we go together!
And deep breath…I know I have your support as you have mine.xx

Let us know how it goes xxx

Hi SueW, Jencat, Rosies, Jilly1998 and Sib
I have posted a new thread regarding my appointment with Oncologist today
