Another young life

I have just heard that another young mum with two little girls lost her fight with breast cancer today. She was a friend of a friend who I never met in person, but who I spoke with on the phone a couple of times when I was first diagnosed in July 07. She was so upbeat and positive, and really helped me in those early dark days.
She had been two years clear, had just had a reconstruction, and was getting on with her life.
I am so sad for her little ones, and although I don’t even know if she ever posted here, I just wanted to acknowledge what she did for me.
Karen, I am so sorry. RIP

It is so sad and although I’ve probably never met her or know if she posted here it is so hard when someone dies from this disease. so sorry for you and her family and friends.
Look after yourself as it sounds like it was a shock to you as well and hope you have people to talk to.

sorry to hear about your friend this is a cruel wicked disease.
Love Debsxxx