I wonder if any one is taking anti depressants while recieving FEC. My doctor gave me some prior to mastectomy as she said once the treatment part is over often people struggle with the aftermath ( I suppose she meant post traumatic stress that people have mentioned in this site). However, although they helped me sleep I stopped taking them as they made me groggy all say and with lethargy after chemo I didn’t think it was a good idea to take them. Thing is I know the cancer was removed and I am having chemo then tamoxafen but I am so anxiouse about every thing. I am having nightmares and feel sick with it all. At the beginning I was very positive about the future but I am struggling to look forward now. Even to the point I sold my car prior to diagnosis and I am reluctant to get finance for another incase I leave the dept for my husband. My son is planning his wedding for two years and all I do is plan my funeral. I am sorry for being negative but I wonder if I should mention this when I go for my second chemo on Thursday.
Hi Susy,
I am sure your fellow forum users will be along soon to give you some much needed support, but in the meantime could I suggest that you give the helpline here a call and have a chat, they’re here to support you through this. Calls are free, lines open at 9am this morning until 5pm 0808 800 6000.
Take care,
Jo, Facilitator
Susy, I suggest you go back to your GP and have a chat about the anti-depressants you were prescribed. There are lots of different ones, and some will suit you better than others. I know some of them can make you drowsy and feel a bit “spaced out”, so it may be that particular one just didn’t suit you.
It’s also not a good idea to stop them abruptly as that can make you feel worse.
Also if you’re going to be on Tamoxifen, make sure your GP checks the interaction. There are a few anti-ds that should not be taken with Tamoxifen (Prozac, for example) but there are plenty of others that are fine.
You might also want to have a word with your BCN to see if she knows of any counselling services that may be available to you because of your cancer. Some hospitals have support centres attached or nearby and they may have something for you.
Do give the helpline a ring as Jo suggested. They are lovely, and you might find it really helps to offload onto a human being rather than just a keyboard.
Good luck and hugs