Anti depressants

Has anyone been prescribed steraline? I am awaiting a scan for possible secondary cancer on L3 on my back. The hospital have suggested I am depressed from a questionare I filled in and have put me forward for a 10 week one to one counselling along with the anti depressants. As mine ch as I am scared of what the outcome will be, I don’t feel like I’m desperately needing any happy pills It looks as though it will magnify my side effects that I am already suffering from taking Tamoxifen. I wonder if anyone has had any experience of this tablet. Thank you in advance

Hi Charlie ,I was in similar position . GP prescribed Sertraline but it made me feel worse, he said it can take 6 weeks for things to settle down and feel a benefit .I chose not to carry on but to have one to one therapy instead .Everyone is different though and I spoke to quite a few people who had minimal side effects from this medication and it supposed to be quite kind in that respect .You shouldn’t feel obliged to take pills if you are not happy to do so - you could see if the counselling helps and then re-assess - it’s not surprising you scored high on the questionnaire when you have such a worry hanging over you .Hope you get good news and feel better soon .Jill.

Thank you Jill for your reply. I have decided not to take them for now and like you said, try the one to one counselling. At least I have them on standby if I need them further down the line. I have my next scan on 10th March. It’s such a horrible waiting game but trying to stay positive x

If only they could do these things more quickly - the waiting is torture .Good luck .x

Just wondering if youre having your counselling on the nhs or privately? Costs a lot private and waiting lists are long here on nhs I think.

It’s a year wait for counselling here and 6 months plus for CBT-only way to access sooner is to pay or go via cancer charity or similar .

It’s on the NHS. It’s new scheme they are trialling. I’m half way through and still not taking the tablets. Looks as though my ‘thing’ hasn’t grown from my last scan. See my onc on Friday for what’s next. Thanks for all your reply’s xx

Good luck Charlie .