Anxiety post diagnosis

Hello everyone,

I recieved a diagnosis of breast cancer in october 2020! I was aged 42. I had 3 tumours, grade 3, 8/8 oestrogen positive stage 1. I later discovered I carried the BRCA1 mutation. Its been a tough time but I am now in a position to get on with my life whilst on hormone treatment! However I still can feel so anxious about everything!

During my diagnosis I kept a journal which really helped me to process my thoughts and accept all that was happening to me, this has really helped!

I then began to write poems too. I wrote about telling my children my news, having surgery, my diagnosis day, an early menopause, mental chatter and so on. Friends encouraged me to self publish my 14 poems - which I did! Turning my nightmare into something positive has definitely helped to lessen my anxious thougts.

All proceeds of my book of poems are donated to Breast Cancer Now and 2 local charities. I am hoping my book offers support and encouragement to any ladies going through this journey. So I thought I would pop a message on here to let you all know about it. My book costs £5.99 including p&p. To find out more please visit Breast Cancer & Me – jsrackham Breast Cancer Now have also kindly featured my story on their webpage too.

Sending you all so much positivity.



HI @Hope213, thank you for sharing your poetry here :sunny:

I remember seeing your story on our website and social media :slight_smile:

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Thank you. :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart: